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Number of teacher mentors participating in the Teacher Mentor Support Program, 2012
Number of teacher mentors by region and sector.Department of Education
PAC membership composition
The data lists the membership composition of the committee that comprises independent and internal members. The Portfolio Audit Committee was established to comply with the...Department of Education
Number of schools participating in Improving Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership
Number of participating schools by region.Department of Education
Number of PAC meetings
The Portfolio Audit Committee was established to comply with the Standing Directions of the Minister for Finance under the Financial Management Act 1994. The committee is...Department of Education
Victorian State School Gas Consumption 2008-09
Natural gas consumption measurements at State schools first became available via a pilot implementation of a whole-of-Victorian-government environmental data system in DEECD in...Department of Education
2012 On Track Schools table
The On Track Survey is conducted in April-May and involves a short telephone survey of school leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in...Department of Education
CLS teachers, by language 2012
Comprehensive data about the provision of Languages education in Victorian government schools has been collected centrally and published each year since 1991. This data was...Department of Education
Post school destinations of Year 12 or equivalent completers, Victorian schools, 2014
The On Track Survey has been conducted annually since 2003. School leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey are contacted in...Department of Education
Victorian State School Electricity Consumption 2008-09
Electricity consumption measurements at State schools first became available via a pilot implementation of a whole-of-Victorian-government environmental data system in DEECD in...Department of Education
VCAMS children whose parents are concerned with their behaviour
The data for this indicator has come from the Student Entrant Health Questionnaire (SEHQ). The Student Entrant Health Questionnaire (SEHQ) is a parent report instrument that...Department of Education
VCAMS Proportion of students successfully completing year 12 or equivalent
Year 12 or equivalent attainment rates at age 19 are subject to large volatility at the Local Government Area level, particularly in the smaller non-metropolitan LGAs. This...Department of Education
VCAMS children entering school with basic skills for life and learning
The Student Entrant Health Questionnaire (SEHQ) is a parent report instrument that records parent's concerns and observations about their child's health and wellbeing. It is...Department of Education
VCAMS children with high levels of family stress
The Student Entrant Health Questionnaire (SEHQ) is a parent report instrument that records parent's concerns and observations about their child's health and wellbeing. It is...Department of Education
VCAMS children in first year of primary school who have been assessed by the school nurse
The Student Entrant Health Questionnaire (SEHQ) is a parent report instrument that records parent's concerns and observations about their child's health and wellbeing. It is...Department of Education
VCAMS crime where the offender was a child or young person
The Law Enforcement Assistance Program (LEAP) is the operational, fully relational database used by Victoria Police to store details on crimes bought to the attention of...Department of Education
VCAMS family violence incidents where children and young people are involved as other parties
The Law Enforcement Assistance Program (LEAP) is the operational, fully relational database used by Victoria Police to store details on crimes bought to the attention of...Department of Education
Victorian State Schools-Voluntary Parent Payments
Contains revenue collected from Subject Contributions; Sale of Class Materials; fundraising Activities; Donations and Camps/Excursions/Activities.Department of Education
VCAMS 4 yo kindergarten enrolments in long day care or intergrated children's services settings
Children's Services On Line (CHISOL) is a state wide online system which supports licensing, monitoring and funding provided to Early Childhood Services (i.e. Kindergartens, day...Department of Education
VCAMS children attending the 3.5 years ages and stages visit
This data is collected as part of Maternal and Child Health consultations (key ages and stages visits). Proportion of children attending the 3.5 year ages and stages visit by...Department of Education
VCAMS infants receiving a maternal and child health service home consultation
This data is collected as part of Maternal and Child Health consultations (key ages and stages visits). There are instances where the participation rates recorded at the LGA...Department of Education