Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 7 May 2024
Metadata last updated 13 June 2024
Created 7 May 2024
Format XLSX
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Data qualityNet infrastructure investment includes the net purchases of property, plant and equipment and net contributions to other sectors of government, such as the public non-financial corporations sector. It does not include assets acquired under finance lease arrangements.
Datastore activeFalse
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Has viewsFalse
Package id020faddb-0ae0-43ec-bafd-30f90316db33
Release date2024-05-07
Release Date 7 May 2024
Temporal Coverage Start
Temporal Coverage End
Data Quality Statement

Net infrastructure investment includes the net purchases of property, plant and equipment and net contributions to other sectors of government, such as the public non-financial corporations sector.

It does not include assets acquired under finance lease arrangements.

Attribution Statement