City of Melbourne 3D Point Cloud 2018

3D point cloud representing all physical features (e.g. buildings, trees and terrain) across City of Melbourne. The data has been encoded into a .las file format containing geospatial coordinates and RGB values for each point. The download is a zip file containing compressed .las files for tiles across the city area.

The geospatial data has been captured in Map Grid of Australia (MGA) Zone 55 projection and is reflected in the xyz coordinates within each .las file. Also included are RGB (Red, Green, Blue) attributes to indicate the colour of each point.

Capture Information - Capture Date: May 2018 - Capture Pixel Size: 7.5cm ground sample distance - Map Projection: MGA Zone 55 (MGA55) - Vertical Datum: Australian Height Datum (AHD) - Spatial Accuracy (XYZ): Supplied survey control used for control (Madigan Surveying) – 25 cm absolute accuracy

Limitations: Whilst every effort is made to provide the data as accurate as possible, the content may not be free from errors, omissions or defects.

Sample Data: For an interactive sample of the data please see the link below. zip file containing the .las files representing tiles of point cloud data across City of Melbourne area. Download Point Cloud Data (4GB)

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 07/03/2023
Last updated 13/06/2024
Organisation City of Melbourne
License - other CC BY
Full metadata URL
Update Frequency