2012 On Track Schools table

The On Track Survey is conducted in April-May and involves a short telephone survey of school leavers who attended school in the previous year and who agreed to participate in the survey.

The On Track survey seeks to:

Offer a consistent and comprehensive approach to monitoring the transistions of school leavers;

Report the information to schools, TAFE institutions and other education providers, organisations concerned with assisting young people, policy makers, parents and students;

Provide detailed analyses of the transistions experienced by different groups of leavers;

Enable education providers to use the findings to monitor and improve their programs; and

Provide a referral service for school leavers who appear to be experiencing difficulties in the transistion process.  Results for individual schools are usually published in June of the survey year.

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 18/06/2013
Last updated 01/08/2024
Organisation Department of Education
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Update Frequency