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232 datasets found
Drinking fountains
This dataset holds the description, type and geographical location of all drinking fountains in the City of MelbourneCity of Melbourne
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Median House Prices - By Type and Sale Year
Median prices for dwellings/townhouses, and apartments by their year of sale for the City of Melbourne.City of Melbourne
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Bicycle routes, including informal, on-road and off-road routes.
This dataset represents the bicycle routes within the municipal boundary of the City of Melbourne.City of Melbourne
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Building outlines 2015
This shapefile shows all of the footprints of all buildings within the City of Melbourne. The footprint is the outline of the total area of a lot or site that is surrounded by...City of Melbourne
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Traffic Count Vehicle Classification 2014-2017
The City of Melbourne employs a contractor to perform traffic counts on roads throughout the municipality. The numbers of vehicles are recorded per hour and split into 12...City of Melbourne
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Parking restrictions (southeast CBD only) 2014
This survey was conducted for 1/3 of the CBD with as a proof of concept. This survey shows the parking restrictions that apply along lengths of CBD roads.City of Melbourne
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Business establishments per CLUE industry for blocks
Data collected as part of the City of Melbourne's Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE). The data covers the period 2002-22. It shows the number of business establishments...City of Melbourne
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Social Indicators for City of Melbourne Residents 2019
The City of Melbourne Social Indicators Survey (CoMSIS) was conducted for the first time in 2018. The survey collects data, annually, about the state of health, well-being,...City of Melbourne
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Tertiary Students Profile 2019
Contains rounded student numbers for 2016-2019. Refer to links below for data quality statements. Data obtained on request from: 1. Australian Government Department of...City of Melbourne
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Tree Canopies 2016 (Urban Forest)
Tree canopy within City of Melbourne mapped using 2016 aerial photos and LiDAR. The canopy polygons represent actual tree canopy extents on both private and public property...City of Melbourne
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Sources of Funding - Works
The Sources of Funding Work is a budgeted representation of the external grants to be received by the city of Melbourne to contribute to Capital Works costs for the upcoming...City of Melbourne
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Families with Children Profile 2016 (aged 0-12 years)
Contains demographic profile information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 Census of Population and Housing. Data has been aggregated by families with children...City of Melbourne
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Argyle Square Pedestrian Counting
This datasets shows historical pedestrian counting data in the park.City of Melbourne
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Argyle Square Pedestrian historical data
This datasets shows historical pedestrian counting data in the park. The count is shown by region, with region 1 representing a 20 meters radius around the sensor, region 2 a 25...City of Melbourne
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Smart bins Argyle Square
Smart bins data received from Smart City Solutions sensors.City of Melbourne
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Melbourne Testbed Devices Reference List
Dataset containing list and location of all devices used for the Melbourne 5G and IoT testbedCity of Melbourne
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Argyle Square Air Quality
Air quality measures in Argyle SquareCity of Melbourne
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Argyle Square Smart Bins (Real time status)
Smart bins real-time data received from Smart City Solutions sensorsCity of Melbourne
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