Areas of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity

This version of the areas of the cultural heritage sensitivity dataset (ACHS) does not contain any attribute information.

This dataset contains a spatial representation of "Areas of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity" as specified in Division 3, Part 2 of the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018.

Areas of cultural heritage sensitivity are areas that are either known to contain, or are likely to contain Aboriginal cultural heritage places and objects. These areas, which include various landforms within Victoria, are defined in the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018. This polygon dataset is a representation of those areas as defined in the Regulations.

The polygon features within the dataset have been derived from several sources, including geological and hydrological data.

Note: This dataset is based on the best available information and should be used in conjunction the information contained in Division 3, Part 2 of the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2018.

This data is under active revision to improve the representation as better quality source data becomes available.

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 27/09/2023
Last updated 07/12/2024
Organisation Department of Premier and Cabinet
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL