Avenue of Honour Plaques

This data represents plaques along the Ballarat Avenue of Honour.

The Avenue of Honour (1917 - 1919) and Arch of Victory (1920) were erected as memorials to the people of the Ballarat and the surrounding district who enlisted in World War I. The Avenue of Honour consists of 3,771 trees planted at regular intervals of approximately 12 metres along 22km of the Ballarat-Burrumbeet Road. The Arch of Victory marks the beginning of the Avenue of Honour at its eastern end. The Avenue of Honour, with the Arch of Victory, was officially opened by the Prince of Wales on 3rd June 1920.

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 08/08/2022
Last updated 04/11/2024
Organisation City of Ballarat
License - other CC BY 3
Category Local government
Full metadata URL https://data.ballarat.vic.gov.au/explore/dataset/avenue-of-honour-plaques/information/