The Victorian Building Authority (VBA) collects information from building
surveyors on the number, value and type of building permits issued each month
as part of its functions under the Building Act 1993.
The Building Permit Activity Data provides information relating to each
building permit issued in the State of Victoria and reported to the VBA for
the preiod specified.
It includes:
- over 40 pieces of information per record
- details of what was built (or demolished)
- how much it cost
- levy paid
- when it was built
- time series per year
In addition, spatial information can be viewed according to:
- municipality
- Victorian State Regions
- Victorian Rural Regions
- metropolitan regions
- suburb
- postal code
- street name
Please refer to the data quality statement to assist you in determining
whether the data meets fitness for purpose tests before use.
Additional Information:
- Data Statement
- Data Key