Catchments - Major Catchments of Melbourne's River Basins

Area representing the watershed / hydraulic catchment of major waterways. The "Major Catchment" layer divides each Primary catchment into the tributaries of a primary river. The delineation of a Major Catchment is by the watershed (natural or constructed) of a major drain or watercourse. Examples of major catchments are: Tributary of Yarra River, Darebin Creek, Tarago River and Corhanwarrbul Creek. This dataset provides a consolidated and consistent set of drainage catchments covering the entire Port Phillip and Westernport catchment area (Melbourne Water’s area of responsibility for waterways and drainage). The primary purpose of this layer is for the hydraulic modelling of catchments and waterways, and/or calculations. Additional uses: Asset creation and numberingFlood Plain MappingDrainage Scheme Creation and ReviewsWater Resource ManagementResponding to Land Development QueriesNOTE: Whilst every effort has been taken in collecting, validating and providing the attached data, Melbourne Water Corporation makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this data. Any person or group that uses this data does so at its own risk and should make their own assessment and investigations as to the suitability and/or application of the data. Melbourne Water Corporation shall not be liable in any way to any person or group for loss of any kind including damages, costs, interest, loss of profits or special loss or damage, arising from any use, error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in this data.

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Published (Metadata Record) 12/06/2024
Last updated 18/09/2024
Organisation Melbourne Water Corporation
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL