CFA data feeds for Incidents, Total Fire Bans & Fire Danger Ratings and latest news

CFA provides data feeds for Incidents, Total Fire Bans & Fire Danger Ratings and latest news.

To receive CFA RSS feeds you need a feed reader and must also subscribe to CFA feeds.

To subscribe to one of the CFA RSS feeds:

Click on the RSS button next to the feed you want (or ctrl, click for Mac users). Copy the URL of the page that is displayed. Paste the address in the appropriate place in your feed reader. Important Note: Some third party readers will not refresh as frequently as is required for live updates. It is recommended that if your reader cannot be set to update at least every 5 minutes that you check the respective web pages (Incidents and Total Fire Bans & Fire Danger Ratings) for the most up to date version.

These RSS feeds conforms to RSS 2.0 specification and update every minute.

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 01/02/2024
Last updated 13/06/2024
Organisation Country Fire Authority
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Environment