City of Melbourne Municipal Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2013-2020

This dataset contains the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) from activities taking place within the geographic boundary of the City of Melbourne Local Government Area.

The City of Melbourne uses the Global Protocol for communities (GPC) method to measure and report municipal greenhouse emissions. Emissions are reported annually through the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) platform, which is a requirement of Global Covenant of Mayors and C40 membership.

Emission sources are broken down across the sectors: Stationary energy, Transportation and Waste. They are categorized by their "scope" which distinguishes between emissions that physically occur within the city (scope 1), from those that occur from the use of electricity and supplied by grids potentially crossing city boundaries (scope 2), from those that occur outside the city but are driven by activities taking place within the city’s boundaries (scope 3). All GHG emissions are presented in units of metric tonnes CO2 equivalent (tCO2e).

In cases where there are limitations on data availability notation keys have been used. NO indicates that an activity or process does not occur or exist within the city. IE signifies GHG emissions for this activity are presented in another category of the inventory. NE is used when emissions occur but have not been estimated or reported due to unavailability of data.

Preparing and reporting this data helps us to understand where the city's emissions come from. It allows us to plan our emission reduction activities to take effective action to mitigate climate change.

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 07/03/2023
Last updated 14/06/2024
Organisation City of Melbourne
License - other CC BY
Category Local government
Full metadata URL