Cliff Face Landslip Areas (ASTaR) - Present day - 0.0m SLR

The ASTaR_Present_day_00mSLR dataset is a digital dataset consisting of multiple spatial layer outputs from modelled erosion scenarios.The dataset is recommended for use at the statewide / regional scale along the Victorian coastline. Application of the data should be guided by the accompanying Victorian Coastal Cliff Assessment technical reports (Tonkin & Taylor 2023) and expert advice. The product is not suitable for individual property scale assessments.

ASTaR have been derived based on the geological unit type and cliff height. The methodology for defining ASTaR is a new method undertaken at a high level and based on the existing cliff height and a defined slope to identify the possible seaward extent of talus runout. For this state-wide/regional scale assessment, single values were derived for each component. This ‘building-block’ approach (ie: a combination of individual parameters) is expected to produce ‘upper bound’, conservative results, which identifies areas potentially exposed to coastal erosion, cliff instability and cliff slumping/talus

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Published (Metadata Record) 13/06/2024
Last updated 13/06/2024
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL