Crime Statistics Agency Data Tables - Harm Caused

The Harm caused by crime measure reorganises the person based victim reports by principal offence type into an alternate view that is categorised by a high, medium of low harm classification. Not all offence types included in the CSA offence classification are included in the Harm caused by crime measure. The harm caused measure is designed to allow the user to explore offence types and the different harm classifications at the state and local government area levels.

Please note that movements in recorded crime data may be impacted by changes in legislation and operational police practice.

From March 2020 to December 2021 Victoria responded to the global COVID-19 pandemic through a range of health responses that included periods of restrictions on people’s movements and daily activities. The health response was supported by the use of offences codes relating to breaches of Chief Health Officer (CHO) Directions the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. The restrictions on movement and introduction of breaches of CHO directions had a flow on effect for Victorian recorded crime, and this differed by crime type.

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Published (Metadata Record) 24/03/2022
Last updated 13/06/2024
Organisation Crime Statistics Agency
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Community