Customer service requests, with resolution time

Requests for service logged by members of the public relating to waste, graffiti, parking, roads and traffic, parks and trees and assets in a public space.

REQUEST_STATUS - The current status of the request. This can be a combination of: CLOSED (completed/resolved), WIP (work in progress), REASSIGNED (This request has been moved to another work unit), NEW (This request has been logged and will be allocated to the appropriate officer), ACTIONED (The work has been assigned to a unit).

DATE_RECEIVED - The date that the customer service request was received.

DATE_COMPLETED - The date that the request was finalized/resolved.

SUBURB - The suburb of the request (confidential requests have been removed). Some suburb values will be blank because they do not have a location assigned.

CATEGORY - The high level category of the request.

SERVICE_DESC - A more detailed description of the request.

DAYS_TO_COMPLETE - Indicates numbers of days between DATE_RECEIVED and DATE_COMPLETED. This does not include time taken when referring to other authorities or waiting for more information from the customer.

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 07/03/2023
Last updated 13/06/2024
Organisation City of Melbourne
License - other CC BY
Full metadata URL
Update Frequency