Development Activity Model Footprints-Test1

This dataset contains spatial information about development activity located within the City of Melbourne municipal area. Developments may have one of four statuses. Applied, Approved and Under Construction, and Complete.

Site content is derived from a range of sources at various times and as such the content may not be free from errors, omissions or defects. Inconsistencies may occur in some data sets. The City of Melbourne uses its best endeavours to ensure that the information is reliable.

The development polygons are representational only and are not intended for analytical or comparative purposes. The polygons are simplified polygons of an indicative floor plate for the podium (if relevant) and tower. The height data is an approximation of the height of the building and does not show the architectural features of the buildings.

Further information is provided in the attached pdf document below. This is provided to help users understand the currency and reliability of the site content which often involves complex processes to derive the information. The aim is to provide users with facts about the source of the content and when it was collected. Users can then make an informed decision as to whether the site content is appropriate for their particular purpose and information needs.

Although all due care has been taken to ensure that this data is correct, no warranty is expressed or implied by City of Melbourne in its use.

Please note we are aware of update issues and are currently investigating.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 02/09/2024
Last updated 03/09/2024
Organisation City of Melbourne
License - other CC BY
Full metadata URL
Update Frequency