Fishermans Bend groundwater studies 2015–2017

The Fishermans Bend groundwater studies were conducted between 2015 and 2017, across the five precincts of Fishermans Bend, as part of the proposed redevelopment. The studies focused on confirming the depth of groundwater and the regional groundwater quality. The studies aimed to understand the regional groundwater quality, and therefore did not focus on specific sources of contamination. Some contamination was identified that will need further assessment through the audit system or as part of EPA’s regulatory role as development proceeds.

The data provided here is contained within the technical reports at The data set includes: - field physical measurements (standing water level (m from Top of Casing, mAHD), time, date) - field chemical measurements (pH, electrolytic conductivity (µS/cm), reduction-oxidation potential (mV), temperature (°C), dissolved oxygen (mg/L)) - groundwater laboratory analytical results (raw results only. QA/QC data, such as blanks, trips, spikes, surrogates and duplicates can be viewed in the technical reports) - soil laboratory analytical results from the installation of monitoring wells in 2015 and 2016 (raw results only) - spatial coordinates (eastings, northings, GDA94) - registered bore licence numbers (i.e. bore_id) where available.

This data is also available through DELWP's Water Management Information System (WMIS).

EPA Victoria will continue to be the custodians of the data; including provisioning access to these wells for sampling by interested parties, and the collation of field and laboratory results from sampling by interested parties.

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 28/06/2018
Last updated 01/08/2024
Organisation Environment Protection Authority Victoria
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Environment