GTFS Schedule
Victorian public transport timetable and geographic information data using the GTFS open standard for trains, trams and buses.
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Data Dictionary
Field Name | Name | Type | Description | Fixed Values |
agency_id | Agency ID | VARCHAR(20) | Identifies a transit brand which is often synonymous with a transit agency. Note that in some cases, such as when a single agency operates multiple separate services, agencies and brands are distinct. This document uses the term "agency" in place of "brand". A dataset may contain data from multiple agencies. | |
agency_name | Agency Name | VARCHAR(500) | Full name of the transit agency. | |
agency_url | Agency URL | VARCHAR(500) | URL of the transit agency. | |
agency_timezone | Agency Timezone | VARCHAR(19) | Timezone where the transit agency is located. If multiple agencies are specified in the dataset, each must have the same agency_timezone. | |
agency_lang | Agency Language | VARCHAR(2) | Primary language used by this transit agency. Should be provided to help GTFS consumers choose capitalization rules and other language-specific settings for the dataset. | |
agency_phone | Agency Phone | VARCHAR(50) | A voice telephone number for the specified agency. This field is a string value that presents the telephone number as typical for the agency's service area. It may contain punctuation marks to group the digits of the number. Dialable text (for example, TriMet's "503-238-RIDE") is permitted, but the field must not contain any other descriptive text. | |
agency_fare_url | Agency Fare URL | VARCHAR(500) | URL of a web page that allows a rider to purchase tickets or other fare instruments for that agency online. | |
service_id | Service ID | VARCHAR(50) | Identifies a set of dates when service is available for one or more routes. | |
monday_ | Monday | INT(10) | Indicates whether the service operates on all Mondays in the date range specified by the start_date and end_date fields. Note that exceptions for particular dates may be listed in calendar_dates.txt. Valid options are: 1: Service available / 0: Service unavailable | |
tuesday | Tuesday | INT(10) | Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Tuesdays | |
wednesday | Wednesday | INT(10) | Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Wednesdays | |
thursday | Thursday | INT(10) | Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Thursdays | |
friday | Friday | INT(10) | Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Fridays | |
saturday_ | Saturday | INT(10) | Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Saturdays. | |
sunday | Sunday | INT(10) | Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Sundays. | |
start_date | Start date | VARCHAR(8) | Start service day for the service interval. | |
end_date | End Date | VARCHAR(8) | End service day for the service interval. This service day is included in the interval. | |
exception_type | Exception Type | VARCHAR(50) | Indicates whether service is available on the date specified in the date field. | 1: Service Added / 2: Service Removed |
route_id | Route ID | VARCHAR(20) | Identifies a route. | |
route_short_name | Route short name | VARCHAR(100) | Short name of a route. Often a short, abstract identifier (e.g., "32", "100X", "Green") that riders use to identify a route. Both route_short_name and route_long_name may be defined. | |
route_long_name | Route long name | VARCHAR(200) | Full name of a route. This name is generally more descriptive than the route_short_name and often includes the route's destination or stop. Both route_short_name and route_long_name may be defined. | |
route_type | Route type | INT(10) | Indicates the type of transportation used on a route. | 0 - Tram, Streetcar, Light rail / 1 - Subway, Metro. / 2 - Rail. / 3 - Bus. / 4 - Ferry. / 5 - Cable tram. / 6 - Aerial lift, suspended cable car / 7 - Funicular. / 11 Trolleybus. / 12 - Monorail. |
route_color | Route Colour | VARCHAR(50) | Route color designation that matches public facing material. Defaults to white (FFFFFF) when omitted or left empty. The color difference between route_color and route_text_color should provide sufficient contrast when viewed on a black and white screen. | |
route_text_color | Route text colour | VARCHAR(50) | Legible color to use for text drawn against a background of route_color. Defaults to black (000000) when omitted or left empty. The color difference between route_color and route_text_color should provide sufficient contrast when viewed on a black and white screen. | |
shape_id | Shape ID | VARCHAR(30) | Identifies a geospatial shape describing the vehicle travel path for a trip. | |
shape_pt_lat | Shape point latitude | DECIMAL(20) | Latitude of the location. | |
shape_pt_lon | Shape point longitude | DECIMAL(20) | Longitude of the location. | |
shape_pt_sequence | Shape point sequence | INT(10) | Sequence in which the shape points connect to form the shape. Values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive. | |
shape_dist_traveled | Shape distance travelled | VARCHAR(50) | Actual distance travelled along the shape from the first shape point to the point specified in this record. Used by trip planners to show the correct portion of the shape on a map. Values must increase along with shape_pt_sequence; they must not be used to show reverse travel along a route. Distance units must be consistent with those used in stop_times.txt. | |
trip_id | Trip ID | VARCHAR(30) | Identifies a trip. | |
arrival_time | Arrival Time | VARCHAR(8) | Arrival time at the stop (defined by stop_times.stop_id) for a specific trip (defined by stop_times.trip_id). | |
departure_time | Departure Time | VARCHAR(8) | Departure time from the stop (defined by stop_times.stop_id) for a specific trip (defined by stop_times.trip_id). | |
stop_id | Stop ID | INT(10) | Identifies a location: stop/platform, station, entrance/exit, generic node or boarding area (see location_type). Multiple routes may use the same stop_id. | |
stop_sequence | Stop sequence | INT(10) | Order of stops for a particular trip. The values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive. | |
pickup_type | Pickup Type | INT(10) | Indicates pickup method. | 0 or empty - Regularly scheduled pickup. / 1 - No pickup available. / 2 - Must phone agency to arrange pickup. / 3 - Must coordinate with driver to arrange pickup. |
drop_off_type | Drop off type | INT(10) | Indicates drop off method | 0 or empty - Regularly scheduled drop off. / 1- No drop off available. / 2 - Must phone agency to arrange drop off. / 3- Must coordinate with driver to arrange drop off. |
stop_name | Stop name | VARCHAR(100) | Name of the location. The stop_name should match the agency's rider-facing name for the location as printed on a timetable, published online, or represented on signage. For translations into other languages, use translations.txt. | |
trip_headsign | Trip headsign | VARCHAR(50) | Text that appears on signage identifying the trip's destination to riders. Should be used to distinguish between different patterns of service on the same route. | |
direction_id | Direction ID | INT(10) | Indicates the direction of travel for a trip. This field should not be used in routing; it provides a way to separate trips by direction when publishing time tables. | 0 - Travel in one direction / 1 - Travel in the opposite direction (e.g. inbound travel) |
block_id | Block ID | VARCHAR(10) | Identifies the block to which the trip belongs. A block consists of a single trip, or many sequential trips made using the same vehicle, defined by shared service days and block_id. A block_id may have trips with different service days, making distinct blocks.. To provide in-seat transfers information, transfers of transfer_type 4 should be provided instead. | |
date | Date | VARCHAR(8) | Date when service exception occurs. |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | 22 March 2025 |
Metadata last updated | 22 March 2025 |
Created | 8 March 2025 |
Format | ZIP |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International |
Attributes | [{"attribute_display_order_id": 1, "db_format": "VARCHAR(20)", "db_name": "agency_id", "definition": "Identifies a transit brand which is often synonymous with a transit agency. Note that in some cases, such as when a single agency operates multiple separate services, agencies and brands are distinct. This document uses the term \"agency\" in place of \"brand\". A dataset may contain data from multiple agencies.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9787", "name": "Agency ID", "ref_number": "AT-9787"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 2, "db_format": "VARCHAR(500)", "db_name": "agency_name", "definition": "Full name of the transit agency.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9786", "name": "Agency Name", "ref_number": "AT-9786"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 3, "db_format": "VARCHAR(500)", "db_name": "agency_url", "definition": "URL of the transit agency.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9784", "name": "Agency URL", "ref_number": "AT-9784"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 4, "db_format": "VARCHAR(19)", "db_name": "agency_timezone", "definition": "Timezone where the transit agency is located. If multiple agencies are specified in the dataset, each must have the same agency_timezone.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9783", "name": "Agency Timezone", "ref_number": "AT-9783"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 5, "db_format": "VARCHAR(2)", "db_name": "agency_lang", "definition": "Primary language used by this transit agency. Should be provided to help GTFS consumers choose capitalization rules and other language-specific settings for the dataset.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9785", "name": "Agency Language", "ref_number": "AT-9785"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 6, "db_format": "VARCHAR(50)", "db_name": "agency_phone", "definition": "A voice telephone number for the specified agency. This field is a string value that presents the telephone number as typical for the agency's service area. It may contain punctuation marks to group the digits of the number. Dialable text (for example, TriMet's \"503-238-RIDE\") is permitted, but the field must not contain any other descriptive text.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9833", "name": "Agency Phone", "ref_number": "AT-9833"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 7, "db_format": "VARCHAR(500)", "db_name": "agency_fare_url", "definition": "URL of a web page that allows a rider to purchase tickets or other fare instruments for that agency online.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9831", "name": "Agency Fare URL", "ref_number": "AT-9831"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 8, "db_format": "VARCHAR(50)", "db_name": "service_id", "definition": "Identifies a set of dates when service is available for one or more routes.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9801", "name": "Service ID", "ref_number": "AT-9801"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 9, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "monday_", "definition": "Indicates whether the service operates on all Mondays in the date range specified by the start_date and end_date fields. Note that exceptions for particular dates may be listed in calendar_dates.txt. Valid options are: 1: Service available / 0: Service unavailable", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9803", "name": "Monday", "ref_number": "AT-9803"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 10, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "tuesday", "definition": "Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Tuesdays", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9796", "name": "Tuesday", "ref_number": "AT-9796"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 11, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "wednesday", "definition": "Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Wednesdays", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9805", "name": "Wednesday", "ref_number": "AT-9805"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 12, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "thursday", "definition": "Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Thursdays", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9799", "name": "Thursday", "ref_number": "AT-9799"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 13, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "friday", "definition": "Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Fridays", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9797", "name": "Friday", "ref_number": "AT-9797"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 14, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "saturday_", "definition": "Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Saturdays.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9804", "name": "Saturday", "ref_number": "AT-9804"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 15, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "sunday", "definition": "Functions in the same way as monday except applies to Sundays.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9802", "name": "Sunday", "ref_number": "AT-9802"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 16, "db_format": "VARCHAR(8)", "db_name": "start_date", "definition": "Start service day for the service interval.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9798", "name": "Start date", "ref_number": "AT-9798"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 17, "db_format": "VARCHAR(8)", "db_name": "end_date", "definition": "End service day for the service interval. This service day is included in the interval.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9800", "name": "End Date", "ref_number": "AT-9800"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 18, "db_format": "VARCHAR(50)", "db_name": "exception_type", "definition": "Indicates whether service is available on the date specified in the date field.", "fixed_values": "1: Service Added / 2: Service Removed", "id": "9806", "name": "Exception Type", "ref_number": "AT-9806"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 19, "db_format": "VARCHAR(20)", "db_name": "route_id", "definition": "Identifies a route.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9814", "name": "Route ID", "ref_number": "AT-9814"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 20, "db_format": "VARCHAR(100)", "db_name": "route_short_name", "definition": "Short name of a route. Often a short, abstract identifier (e.g., \"32\", \"100X\", \"Green\") that riders use to identify a route. Both route_short_name and route_long_name may be defined.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9809", "name": "Route short name", "ref_number": "AT-9809"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 21, "db_format": "VARCHAR(200)", "db_name": "route_long_name", "definition": "Full name of a route. This name is generally more descriptive than the route_short_name and often includes the route's destination or stop. Both route_short_name and route_long_name may be defined.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9812", "name": "Route long name", "ref_number": "AT-9812"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 22, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "route_type", "definition": "Indicates the type of transportation used on a route.", "fixed_values": "0 - Tram, Streetcar, Light rail / 1 - Subway, Metro. / 2 - Rail. / 3 - Bus. / 4 - Ferry. / 5 - Cable tram. / 6 - Aerial lift, suspended cable car / 7 - Funicular. / 11 Trolleybus. / 12 - Monorail.", "id": "9813", "name": "Route type", "ref_number": "AT-9813"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 23, "db_format": "VARCHAR(50)", "db_name": "route_color", "definition": "Route color designation that matches public facing material. Defaults to white (FFFFFF) when omitted or left empty. The color difference between route_color and route_text_color should provide sufficient contrast when viewed on a black and white screen.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9810", "name": "Route Colour", "ref_number": "AT-9810"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 24, "db_format": "VARCHAR(50)", "db_name": "route_text_color", "definition": "Legible color to use for text drawn against a background of route_color. Defaults to black (000000) when omitted or left empty. The color difference between route_color and route_text_color should provide sufficient contrast when viewed on a black and white screen.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9811", "name": "Route text colour", "ref_number": "AT-9811"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 25, "db_format": "VARCHAR(30)", "db_name": "shape_id", "definition": "Identifies a geospatial shape describing the vehicle travel path for a trip.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9815", "name": "Shape ID", "ref_number": "AT-9815"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 26, "db_format": "DECIMAL(20)", "db_name": "shape_pt_lat", "definition": "Latitude of the location.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9816", "name": "Shape point latitude", "ref_number": "AT-9816"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 27, "db_format": "DECIMAL(20)", "db_name": "shape_pt_lon", "definition": "Longitude of the location.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9817", "name": "Shape point longitude", "ref_number": "AT-9817"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 28, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "shape_pt_sequence", "definition": "Sequence in which the shape points connect to form the shape. Values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9818", "name": "Shape point sequence", "ref_number": "AT-9818"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 29, "db_format": "VARCHAR(50)", "db_name": "shape_dist_traveled", "definition": "Actual distance travelled along the shape from the first shape point to the point specified in this record. Used by trip planners to show the correct portion of the shape on a map. Values must increase along with shape_pt_sequence; they must not be used to show reverse travel along a route. Distance units must be consistent with those used in stop_times.txt.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9793", "name": "Shape distance travelled", "ref_number": "AT-9793"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 30, "db_format": "VARCHAR(30)", "db_name": "trip_id", "definition": "Identifies a trip.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9794", "name": "Trip ID", "ref_number": "AT-9794"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 31, "db_format": "VARCHAR(8)", "db_name": "arrival_time", "definition": "Arrival time at the stop (defined by stop_times.stop_id) for a specific trip (defined by stop_times.trip_id).", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9790", "name": "Arrival Time", "ref_number": "AT-9790"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 32, "db_format": "VARCHAR(8)", "db_name": "departure_time", "definition": "Departure time from the stop (defined by stop_times.stop_id) for a specific trip (defined by stop_times.trip_id).", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9788", "name": "Departure Time", "ref_number": "AT-9788"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 33, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "stop_id", "definition": "Identifies a location: stop/platform, station, entrance/exit, generic node or boarding area (see location_type). Multiple routes may use the same stop_id.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9789", "name": "Stop ID", "ref_number": "AT-9789"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 34, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "stop_sequence", "definition": "Order of stops for a particular trip. The values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9791", "name": "Stop sequence", "ref_number": "AT-9791"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 35, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "pickup_type", "definition": "Indicates pickup method.", "fixed_values": "0 or empty - Regularly scheduled pickup. / 1 - No pickup available. / 2 - Must phone agency to arrange pickup. / 3 - Must coordinate with driver to arrange pickup.", "id": "9792", "name": "Pickup Type", "ref_number": "AT-9792"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 36, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "drop_off_type", "definition": "Indicates drop off method", "fixed_values": "0 or empty - Regularly scheduled drop off. / 1- No drop off available. / 2 - Must phone agency to arrange drop off. / 3- Must coordinate with driver to arrange drop off.", "id": "9795", "name": "Drop off type", "ref_number": "AT-9795"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 37, "db_format": "VARCHAR(100)", "db_name": "stop_name", "definition": "Name of the location. The stop_name should match the agency's rider-facing name for the location as printed on a timetable, published online, or represented on signage. For translations into other languages, use translations.txt.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9819", "name": "Stop name", "ref_number": "AT-9819"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 38, "db_format": "VARCHAR(50)", "db_name": "trip_headsign", "definition": "Text that appears on signage identifying the trip's destination to riders. Should be used to distinguish between different patterns of service on the same route.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9820", "name": "Trip headsign", "ref_number": "AT-9820"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 39, "db_format": "INT(10)", "db_name": "direction_id", "definition": "Indicates the direction of travel for a trip. This field should not be used in routing; it provides a way to separate trips by direction when publishing time tables.", "fixed_values": "0 - Travel in one direction / 1 - Travel in the opposite direction (e.g. inbound travel)", "id": "9808", "name": "Direction ID", "ref_number": "AT-9808"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 40, "db_format": "VARCHAR(10)", "db_name": "block_id", "definition": "Identifies the block to which the trip belongs. A block consists of a single trip, or many sequential trips made using the same vehicle, defined by shared service days and block_id. A block_id may have trips with different service days, making distinct blocks.. To provide in-seat transfers information, transfers of transfer_type 4 should be provided instead.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9832", "name": "Block ID", "ref_number": "AT-9832"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 41, "db_format": "VARCHAR(8)", "db_name": "date", "definition": "Date when service exception occurs.", "fixed_values": "", "id": "9807", "name": "Date", "ref_number": "AT-9807"}] |
Dataset last updated date | 1 week ago |
Datastore active | False |
Datastore contains all records of source file | False |
Edc sync | True |
Has views | False |
Historical | False |
Id | 699d26b5-d8e8-4ae5-8295-88665acf3edf |
Last updated date | 1 week ago |
Mimetype | application/zip |
Open dataset title | GTFS Schedule |
Package id | d1e5970e-d1cc-42d6-83c2-a6bf62cfa260 |
Position | 0 |
Publication date | 10 years ago |
State | active |
File Size | 196.0 MB |