Department of Transport and Planning
Primary watercourse entrances along the Victorian coastline.
This layer identifies the entrances to major watercourses along the Victorian coastline. The layer is a points coverage with the point location representing approximately the...Department of Transport and Planning
Vicmap Index
This product contains line, & polygon features delineating various current governement and industry indices, excluding Melway. It is a combination of a number of data sets...Department of Transport and Planning
Principal Public Transport Network (PPTN) Point Elements
This point dataset represents the point elements of the Victorian Principal Public Transport Network (PPTN). The PPTN reflects the network of current and committed high-quality...Department of Transport and Planning
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Victorian Rail Trails (recreation trails)
This polyline dataset represents disused railway corridors which have been turned into "Rail Trails" in Victoria.Department of Transport and Planning
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Vicmap Land Adminstration Themes Surveyors View
The dataset is now only available in GDA2020. This dataset is not supplied in GDA94. Vicmap LAT Surveyors view is a CAD product, derived from aspects of the VicmapTM Land...Department of Transport and Planning
Principal Public Transport Network (PPTN) Package
This package includes PPTN Line and PPTN Points datasets. The PPTN reflects the network of current and committed high-quality public transport services, designed to support...Department of Transport and Planning
Victorian Railway Stations
This point dataset represents active rail stations in Victoria. It includes railway stations served by Metro services, V/Line services and interstate passenger services to...Department of Transport and Planning
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Planning scheme overlay codelist - Vicmap Planning
This dataset contains polygon features representing overlay controls for all Victorian planning schemes. Overlays reflect specific characteristics of land in an area, such as...Department of Transport and Planning
Vegetation Cover for metropolitan Melbourne 2014
This dataset contains vegetation features represented by polygons as at 2014. Each polygon is based on ABS mesh blocks which have been subdivided by Vicmap property road...Department of Transport and Planning
PTV Train Corridor Centreline
Train Corridor Centreline depicts a spatial object (polyline) representing the centre of a series of tracks ie multiple parallel tracks are represented as a single line. A...Department of Transport and Planning
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PTV Train Station Platform
Train Station Platform depicts a spatial object (polygon) which represents the outline of a train platform. The Station Name and Platform number is attributed to the polygon.Department of Transport and Planning
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Change in Vegetation Cover in Metropolitan Melbourne between 2014 and 2018
This dataset contains the percentage point change in Melbourne¿s urban vegetation cover between 2014 and 2018, represented by polygons. Each polygon is based on 2016 ABS Mesh...Department of Transport and Planning
PTV Train Track Centreline
Train Track Centreline depicts a spatial object (polyline) representing the rail track centre line (the centre of the two rails). Note the data includes all VicTrack rail...Department of Transport and Planning
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Public Transport a collection of PTV datasets
PTV Routes and Stops have been removed from this collection. Routes and stops are now available from DTP Open Data Portal. This package of...Department of Transport and Planning
Heritage Inventory
The Heritage Inventory is a listing of all known historical (non-Indigenous) archaeological sites in Victoria. While there are approximately 7,000 sites listed on the Heritage...Department of Transport and Planning
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Metropolitan Melbourne Urban Heat Islands and Urban Vegetation 2018
This dataset contains 2018 Urban Heat Island (UHI) and urban vegetation features represented by polygons. Each polygon is based on 2016 ABS Mesh Blocks. It's part of a...Department of Transport and Planning
East Gippsland Marine Habitats November 2009
This polygon layer represents marine habitat in the East Gippsland region mapped from satellite imagery and aerial photography with underwater video ground-truthing. The mapping...Department of Transport and Planning
Vicmap Property - Property Polygon with Property and Address Detail
Property Address is a denormalised Vicmap Property/Address dataset. It shows each property polygon with its associated property and address details. Where 2 or more property or...Department of Transport and Planning
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Vicmap Features of Interest
Vicmap Features of Interest Product contains a series of datasets. This dataset series contains a range of features of interest represented by points, lines and/or polygons...Department of Transport and Planning
Vicmap Planning - Planning Scheme Urban Growth Area Codelist
This dataset contains polygon features representing the balance of the municipality that is outside the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). The UGB is a boundary that indicates the...Department of Transport and Planning