Noise Protocol - Designation of zones and reservations

This dataset contains the designated types of zones and reservations for major urban areas used when setting noise limits for commercial, industrial and trade premises.

The Environment Protection Regulations 2021 and the incorporated Noise Protocol document, Noise limit and assessment protocol for the control of noise from commercial, industrial and trade premises and entertainment venues (EPA publication 1826) set the limits for commercial, industrial and trade noise.

The Noise Protocol’s urban area method uses the designated types to calculate the zoning level, which contributes to the noise limit. This method applies when the residence or other noise sensitive area is located within a major urban area. The major urban area boundaries are available on DataVic Major urban area – Location Polygons

This dataset is based on Annex A of the Noise Protocol. It is updated each fortnight with planning scheme zones not listed in the annex.

The table of zones and reservations in Annex A of the Noise Protocol and this dataset are for use only with the urban area method for determining noise limits for commercial, industrial and trade premises in accordance with the Environment Protection Regulations 2021. The dataset includes local government area (LGA) codes. The local government area name corresponding to each code is available on DataVic as LGA.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 22/12/2021
Last updated 04/10/2024
Organisation Environment Protection Authority Victoria
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Update Frequency