Open Space

The Victorian Planning Authority has developed a comprehensive GIS dataset to represent the existing open space network throughout the metropolitan Melbourne area.

This data builds upon the work completed through the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council’s (VEAC) Metropolitan Melbourne Investigation (2011), as well as GIS data provided by Melbourne’s 32 metropolitan councils and a variety of other agencies.

The data includes public open space, restricted public land and some private open space - suitable for a range of spatial mapping and analysis purposes.

In order to truly reflect the range of land types as well as the diversity of functions and roles open space plays, a multi-tiered definition of open space was developed. This updated definition builds upon previous work done by VEAC, as well as a number of local government open space strategies. This updated definition is supported by a hierarchy and categorisation system that can be applied to the entire network.

The resultant data show an open space network that includes a significant range of land uses, from the obvious local parks, sports fields and waterways, through to schools and utility easements. It is recognised however, that not all land shown has the same open space function, value or access level and the primary function of the land (restricted public land and private open space) will often impact on its existing or future potential community use.

The Open Space data is NOT currently being maintained.

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Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 09/07/2019
Last updated 14/06/2024
Organisation Victorian Planning Authority
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Planning