The Parliament of Victoria is an independent body that, through its elected
representatives, is accountable to the Victorian community for the provision
and conduct of representative government in the interests of Victorians.The
Parliament of Victoria’s vision is to deliver apolitical, professional and
innovative services which will support Victoria’s elected representatives and
the Parliament as an institution to ensure the proper, effective and
independent functioning of the Parliament.Victoria’s Constitution Act 1975
provides that the Auditor General is an independent officer of Parliament. For
budgetary purposes, the Victorian Auditor General’s Office is included as an
output classification within Parliament.The main purpose of the Victorian
Auditor General’s Office is to provide assurance to Parliament on the
accountability and performance of the Victorian public sector.Parliament's
objectives and linked outputs are grouped into Legislative Council,
Legislative Assembly, Parliamentary Services, Parliamentary Investigatory
Committees and Victorian Auditor-General's Office. This spreadsheet provides
data relating to these outputs.