Patents 2010-14 with per-capita count (Standard and Innovation only)

The number of patents issued to resident persons or corporations of a city is an indicator of innovation, which is a result of the production and use of knowledge.

The patents counted in this indicator were 'standard' and 'innovation patents. Standard patents are granted only for inventions - in other words an invention that is not an obvious thing to do for someone with knowledge and experience in the technological field of the invention. The innovation patent is granted for an incremental advance on existing technology or knowledge that makes a substantial contribution to the working of the invention.

To derive the figure for per 100,000 residents, the total number of patents granted annually to individuals and entities living or working in the municipality is divided by the municipality's population divided by 100,000. The result is a figures expressed as the number of new patents granted per 100,000 population.

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Published (Metadata Record) 07/03/2023
Last updated 14/06/2024
Organisation City of Melbourne
License - other CC BY
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