Pedestrian Counting System (counts per hour)

This dataset contains hourly pedestrian counts since 2009 from pedestrian sensor devices located across the city. The data is updated on a monthly basis and can be used to determine variations in pedestrian activity throughout the day.The sensor_id column can be used to merge the data with the Pedestrian Counting System - Sensor Locations dataset which details the location, status and directional readings of sensors. Any changes to sensor locations are important to consider when analysing and interpreting pedestrian counts over time.Importants notes about this dataset:• Where no pedestrians have passed underneath a sensor during an hour, a count of zero will be shown for the sensor for that hour.• Directional readings are not included, though we hope to make this available later in the year. Directional readings are provided in the Pedestrian Counting System – Past Hour (counts per minute) dataset.The Pedestrian Counting System helps to understand how people use different city locations at different times of day to better inform decision-making and plan for the future. A representation of pedestrian volume which compares each location on any given day and time can be found in our Online Visualisation.Related datasets:Pedestrian Counting System – Past Hour (counts per minute)Pedestrian Counting System - Sensor Locations

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 06/09/2023
Last updated 15/08/2024
Organisation City of Melbourne
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Update Frequency