Pedestrian Counting System - Sensor Locations

This dataset contains status, location and directional information for each pedestrian sensor device installed throughout the city. The sensor_id column can be used to merge the data with related datasets. Since the inauguration of the Pedestrian Counting System in 2009, some sensor devices have been removed or relocated. This may be for various reasons such as construction works. Others may be inactive due to a temporary issue. This is detailed in the notes column. Any changes to sensor locations are important to consider when analysing and interpreting historical pedestrian counting data. Sensors are typically installed under an awning or on a street pole to form a counting zone on the footpath below. They record bi-directional pedestrian movements through the zone, 24 hours, every day. Locations are selected based on three criteria – retail and event activity, regular pedestrian use and the egress and entry flow to these areas. The system records movements, not images, so no individual information is collected. New sensor devices have been recently installed, with more to come in the near future as part of the city’s commitment to expanding the system. Status field: This field indicates if the sensor is expected to be active and is manually maintained as needed. A pedestrian sensor with an active value ('A') may be unavailable in some situations. A representation of pedestrian volume which compares each location on any given day and time can be found in our Online Visualisation.Related datasets: Pedestrian Counting System – 2009 to Present (counts per hour)Pedestrian Counting System – Past Hour (counts per minute)

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 07/03/2023
Last updated 13/06/2024
Organisation City of Melbourne
License - other CC BY
Category Local government
Full metadata URL