Pop-up Bike Lanes
Network representation of the location and category of bicycles lanes installed as part of the 'Pop-up Bike Lanes' program.
There are no views created for this resource yet.
Data Dictionary
Field Name | Name | Type | Description | Fixed Values |
fid | Feature ID | INTEGER(3) | Unique feature ID | |
roadnm | Road Name | TEXT(50) | Road name | |
side | Side of Road | TEXT(20) | Side of road that attribute refers to | |
trialdate | Trial Start Date | DATE() | Start date for the popup bicycle lane trial | |
postdate | Trial End Date | DATE() | End date for the popup bicycle lane trial | |
lga | LGA | TEXT(20) | Local Government Area | |
Trial Bicycle Infrastructure | trialinfra | TEXT(50) | Type of bicycle lane infrastructure for the trial | Painted lane, Protected lane, Shared path, Shared path - dismount, Shared street, Shared street - contraflow |
postinfra | Post-Trial Infrastructure | TEXT(50) | Type of bicycle lane infrastructure post trial | Painted lane, Shared path, Shared path - dismount, Shared street |
Route_name | Route name | TEXT(255) | Name of route section |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | 16 November 2024 |
Metadata last updated | 11 December 2024 |
Created | 16 November 2024 |
Format | GeoJSON |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International |
Attributes | [{"attribute_display_order_id": 1, "db_format": "INTEGER(3)", "db_name": "fid", "definition": "Unique feature ID", "fixed_values": "", "id": "1416", "name": "Feature ID", "ref_number": "AT-1416"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 2, "db_format": "TEXT(50)", "db_name": "roadnm", "definition": "Road name", "fixed_values": "", "id": "1417", "name": "Road Name", "ref_number": "AT-1417"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 3, "db_format": "TEXT(20)", "db_name": "side", "definition": "Side of road that attribute refers to", "fixed_values": "", "id": "1420", "name": "Side of Road", "ref_number": "AT-1420"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 4, "db_format": "DATE()", "db_name": "trialdate", "definition": "Start date for the popup bicycle lane trial", "fixed_values": "", "id": "5663", "name": "Trial Start Date", "ref_number": "AT-5663"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 5, "db_format": "DATE()", "db_name": "postdate", "definition": "End date for the popup bicycle lane trial", "fixed_values": "", "id": "5664", "name": "Trial End Date", "ref_number": "AT-5664"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 6, "db_format": "TEXT(20)", "db_name": "lga", "definition": "Local Government Area", "fixed_values": "", "id": "1419", "name": "LGA", "ref_number": "AT-1419"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 7, "db_format": "TEXT(50)", "db_name": "Trial Bicycle Infrastructure", "definition": "Type of bicycle lane infrastructure for the trial", "fixed_values": "Painted lane, Protected lane, Shared path, Shared path - dismount, Shared street, Shared street - contraflow", "id": "1421", "name": "trialinfra", "ref_number": "AT-1421"}, {"attribute_display_order_id": 8, "db_format": "TEXT(50)", "db_name": "postinfra", "definition": "Type of bicycle lane infrastructure post trial", "fixed_values": "Painted lane, Shared path, Shared path - dismount, Shared street", "id": "5662", "name": "Post-Trial Infrastructure", "ref_number": "AT-5662"}, {"db_format": "TEXT(255)", "db_name": "Route_name", "definition": "Name of route section", "fixed_values": "", "id": "1418", "name": "Route name", "ref_number": "AT-1418"}] |
Dataset last updated date | 10 months ago |
Datastore active | False |
Datastore contains all records of source file | False |
Has views | False |
Historical | False |
Id | 2508cfe0-4694-45d0-b8bc-25be78e13c1a |
Last updated date | 4 months ago |
Mimetype | application/geo+json |
Open dataset title | Pop-up Bike Lanes |
Package id | 996f4e05-53a7-4baa-898a-efec3bbe5191 |
Position | 0 |
Publication date | 1 year ago |
State | active |
File Size | 205.9 KB |