Historical financial statements - other...
From the dataset abstract
These datasets provide financial series for a number of general government sector financial aggregates and are updated with each relevant publication, for example, State Budget. Wherever...
Data Dictionary
Column | Type | Label | Description |
HISTORICAL FINANCIAL TABLES - Other Operating Expenses by Secto | text |
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Data last updated | 13 July 2021 |
Metadata last updated | 13 June 2024 |
Created | 13 July 2021 |
Format | XLS |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International |
Attribution | Other operating expenses generally represent the day-to-day running costs incurred in normal operations, and mainly include the purchase of supplies and consumables and the purchase of services. Supplies and services expenses are forecast on the basis of experience and known activity changes, including consideration of government policy such as efficiency measures, changes in the method of service delivery and appropriate economic parameters. An allowance is made for emerging demand that may arise over the next four years. This is presented in compliance with AASB 1049. |
Ckan url | https://discover.data.vic.gov.au |
Datastore active | True |
Datastore contains all records of source file | True |
Has views | True |
Hash | b682d65a290b941500fbd4e90e6bb378 |
Id | 2e38d9a8-99ba-4902-8ff9-b852cd9b0e64 |
Ignore hash | False |
Original url | https://www.dtf.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/document/4.1_2020-21-Budget-Other%20operating%20expenses%20by%20sector_0.xlsx |
Package id | dc58faef-ee38-49b4-ada0-7630fc0e36bf |
Position | 6 |
Resource id | 2e38d9a8-99ba-4902-8ff9-b852cd9b0e64 |
Set url type | False |
State | active |
Task created | 2024-06-13 05:14:24.728274 |
Filesize | |
Release Date | |
Temporal Coverage Start | |
Temporal Coverage End | |
Data Quality Statement | |
Attribution Statement | Other operating expenses generally represent the day-to-day running costs incurred in normal operations, and mainly include the purchase of supplies and consumables and the purchase of services. Supplies and services expenses are forecast on the basis of experience and known activity changes, including consideration of government policy such as efficiency measures, changes in the method of service delivery and appropriate economic parameters. An allowance is made for emerging demand that may arise over the next four years. This is presented in compliance with AASB 1049. |