Victorian Electors by Locality, Postcode and Electorates

Count of persons by Municipality, Municipal Ward, Locality, Postcode, District of the Legislative Assembly and Region of the Legislative Council currently enrolled on the Victorian register of electors and eligible to vote in a Victorian state election on the date specified. Also includes a count of properties with enrolled electors residing. Should not be interpreted as a count of population by area, rather a count of eligible enrolled persons. Refer section 48 of the Constitution Act 1975 and sections 20 to 23A of the Electoral Act 2002. Enrolment data is subject to the influence of major electoral events (and distance from them), enrolment campaigns and related processing conducted by both the Victorian Electoral Commission and the Australian Electoral Commission. LGA, district and region codes in the dataset are specific to the VEC and bear no resemblance to any other dataset.

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 16/12/2016
Last updated 13/06/2024
Organisation Victorian Electoral Commission
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Community