Wastewater Inlet - Daily Raw Water Quality - Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP)

The Eastern Treatment Plant (ETP) receives sewage from the eastern side of Melbourne. This file describes the quality of the sewage received by providing results of regular sampling.The sample is taken with a flow-weighted auto-sampler. Samples are collected at 7:00 AM each day and relate to the previous 24 hours (e.g. timestamp of 5/1/19 07:00 was sampled between 4/1/19 07:00 and 5/1/19 07:00). Results are in milligrams per litre (mg/L). To calculate an incoming load in raw sewage, match this with wastewater inlet hourly flow for the same time period (as noted in the example).Quality parameters include: Ammonia (Ammonia as N) (mg/L), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) (mg/L), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) (mg/L), Nitrate plus Nitrite (mg/L), Nitrogen (Nitrogen (total)) (mg/L).NOTE. Whilst every effort has been taken in collecting, validating and providing the attached data, Melbourne Water Corporation makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of this data. Any person or group that uses this data does so at its own risk and should make their own assessment and investigations as to the suitability and/or application of the data. Melbourne Water Corporation shall not be liable in any way to any person or group for loss of any kind including damages, costs, interest, loss of profits or special loss or damage, arising from any use, error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in this data.

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 12/06/2024
Last updated 15/01/2025
Organisation Melbourne Water Corporation
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL https://data-melbournewater.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/melbournewater::wastewater-inlet-daily-raw-water-quality-eastern-treatment-plant-etp