State Election 2006: South Eastern Metropolitan Region Distribution of Votes
The proportional counting system is used to count to determine the result for the Legislative Council (Upper House) Regions. The proportional counting system is used when more...Victorian Electoral Commission
State Election 2014: Western Victoria Region results summary
A recheck is a normal procedure undertaken by an election manager. After the first count of preferences all ballot papers are re-examined and counted again. Scrutineers are...Victorian Electoral Commission
Victorian Racing Industry Fund - Raceday Attraction Program Projects
Details of Victorian Racing Industry Fund Raceday Attraction Program projects approved by Minister for Racing as at 31 March 2015Department of Justice and Community Safety
State Election 2010: Western Victoria Region results summary
A recheck is a normal procedure undertaken by an election manager. After the first count of preferences all ballot papers are re-examined and counted again. Scrutineers are...Victorian Electoral Commission
Victorian Racing Industry Fund - Racing Infrastructure Projects
Details of Victorian Racing Industry Fund Infrastructure projects approved by Minister for Racing as at 31 March 2015Department of Justice and Community Safety
Dept. of Justice and Regulation Annual Report 2014-15 Environmental Performance and Targets
Data prescribes a summary trend report of DJR environmental peeformance and energy targets in Victoria during the calendar year of 2014-2015.Department of Justice and Community Safety
VEC Results for 2013 Wangaratta Rural City Council countback
Countbacks occur for local councils when a casual vacancy is to be filled in a multi-councillor ward or unsubdivided municipality. In a countback, votes for the vacating...Victorian Electoral Commission
State Election 2014: Southern Metropolitan Region Distribution of Votes
The proportional counting system is used to count to determine the result for the Legislative Council (Upper House) Regions. The proportional counting system is used when more...Victorian Electoral Commission
VEC Results for 2014 Macedon Ranges Shire Council countback, East Ward
Countbacks occur for local councils when a casual vacancy is to be filled in a multi-councillor ward or unsubdivided municipality. In a countback, votes for the vacating...Victorian Electoral Commission
VEC Benalla Rural City Council countback results 2011
Countbacks occur for local councils when a casual vacancy is to be filled in a multi-councillor ward or unsubdivided municipality. In a countback, votes for the vacating...Victorian Electoral Commission
Dept. of Justice and Regulation Annual Report 2014-15 Statutory Compliance
Lists the statutory compliance, major contracts and government adverstising expenditure during 2014-2015Department of Justice and Community Safety
CFA Fixed property use
When CFA attends a fire or other incident (e.g. road rescue) a report is prepared on the characteristics of the incident and entered into FIRS. Data available in FIRS include...Country Fire Authority
Dept. of Justice Annual Report Registered Training Organisations 2013-14
The department Registered Training Organisation (RTO) is an Enterprise RTO and delivers nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) to department employees. In...Department of Justice and Community Safety
VEC Results for 2014 Bayside City Council countback, Central Ward
Countbacks occur for local councils when a casual vacancy is to be filled in a multi-councillor ward or unsubdivided municipality. In a countback, votes for the vacating...Victorian Electoral Commission
PROV Workforce Data 21-22
Workforce data showing headcount, fulltime, partime statistics by gender, age and classification.Public Records Office Victoria
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Family Violence Database - Magistrates' Court Data Tables
The Magistrates’ and Children’s Courts data included in this report was extracted from the Courtlink database. The data includes all finalised applications for Family Violence...Department of Justice and Community Safety
State Election 2014: Northern Metropolitan Region Distribution of Votes
The proportional counting system is used to count to determine the result for the Legislative Council (Upper House) Regions. The proportional counting system is used when more...Victorian Electoral Commission
State Election 2014: Northern Victoria Region results summary (Upper House)
The Legislative Council (Upper House) ballot paper allows voters to vote above the line for a group or below the line for an individual candidate. For each Upper House Region...Victorian Electoral Commission
PROV Reading Room and Record Retrievals 22-23
Public Record Office Victoria operates two public reading rooms; one at the Victorian Archives Centre in North Melbourne and the other at the Ballarat Archives Centre at the...Public Records Office Victoria
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State Election 2010: Northern Victoria Region Distribution of Votes
The proportional counting system is used to count to determine the result for the Legislative Council (Upper House) Regions. The proportional counting system is used when more...Victorian Electoral Commission