Deaths registered per month
The law requires doctors and funeral directors to notify the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages Victoria (BDM) of deaths. In the case of a reportable death, the Coroner...Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria
Marriages registered per month
Marriage celebrants must notify the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) within 14 days of the ceremony. Marriages are counted in the month we register them. The...Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria
Births registered per month
Hospitals and midwives must notify the Registry of Births Deaths and Marriages Victoria (BDM) of births within 21 days. Births are counted in the month we register them. The...Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria
Crime Statistics Agency - Offence Classifications
The Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) has developed this offence classification to assist in the production and analysis of summary crime and justice statistics in Victoria. It is...Crime Statistics Agency
Battle to Farm site data
This data was compiled for the website 'Battle to Farm' (now deprecated) which shows digitised records for each returned soldier. The data includes the name of the soldier,...Public Records Office Victoria
Publications provided 2012-2013
2012-2013 Number of Publications provided Consumer Affairs.Consumer Affairs Victoria
Email and Written enquiries 2012-2013
Consumer Affairs Year in Review 2012-20113 for email and written enquiries.Consumer Affairs Victoria
Community information and advice 2012-2013
2012-2013 Year in Review Activities on community information and advice.Consumer Affairs Victoria
Registrations of rental bonds 2012-2013
Number of Registrations of bonds for 2012-2013 Consumer Affairs.Consumer Affairs Victoria
Registered Incorporated Associations as at 23rd May 2014
Data has been extracted from Consumer Affairs database which in turn is populate with information provided by Associations at the time of their request for registration or renewal.Consumer Affairs Victoria
International Prison Rates
This data shows the imprisonment rates (per 100,000 people) for select countries and Victoria in 2010.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Victoria's Imprisonment rates, 1871 to 2011
This data shows the imprisonment rate (per 100,000 people) for Victoria from 1871 to 2011.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Victoria's Prison Population, 1871 to 2011
This graph shows the number of people in Victoria’s prisons from 1871 to 2011.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Sentencing Outcomes in the Children's Court
This data shows the number of people sentenced in the Children’s Court from July 2004 to June 2011 by sentencing outcome.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Recent Trends in the Magistrates Court
This data shows recent trends in the proportion of people sentenced in the Magistrates’ Court receiving selected sentence types.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Sentencing Outcomes in the Higher Court
This graph shows the number of people sentenced in the higher courts from July 2001 to June 2011 by sentencing outcome. The graph includes people sentenced in both the Supreme...Department of Justice and Community Safety
Coroners Court - Case initiations and closures
The data provides a breakdown of cases initiated, closure, comparison and referrals from the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Coroners Court - Case Progress
This data provides information on the case progress timeframe from date of initiation to end of financial year.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Coroners Court- Objections to Autopsy
This data provides information on the number of objections to autopsy during the reporting period.Department of Justice and Community Safety
Coroners Court - Findings
This data provides information on the type of findings during the reporting period.Department of Justice and Community Safety