City of Casey
Pedestrian Count (Hourly)
Displays the Hourly pedestrian count automatically recorded by IoT sensors since 12th Aug 2021, which are installed at few locations in City of Casey.City of Casey
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Register of Building Permit Applications City of Casey
This dataset contains records on the number of and classification of building permits lodged since 1994 in the City of Casey. A Register of Building Permits is available for...City of Casey
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Airport Property
This dataset provides information about locations of airports in the City of Casey.City of Casey
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Planning Permit Application Register
This dataset lists the Planning Permit Applications within the City of Casey. For further information about a particular application, refer to the Planning Team.City of Casey
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Public WiFi and Device Charging Sites
This dataset contains an extensive list of free Wi-Fi locations in the City of Casey. These individual sites provide members of the community the opportunity to engage online...City of Casey
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City of Casey Parking Restriction Zones
Dataset containing the locations of parking restrictions within the City of Casey. Additional information provided includes parking zone restriction types and applicable times...City of Casey
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Park and Reserve Locations
The locations and classifications of parks and reserves within City of Casey, extracted from the City of Casey's Asset Management System and GIS databases.City of Casey
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Venues for Hire in Casey (Council and Community Facilities)
The dataset provides the locations of both community and Council-facilitated venues for hire in the City of Casey. Regular hirers, casual hire, education programs and community...City of Casey
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Public Barbecue Locations
The locations of public barbecues in City of Casey, extracted from the City of Casey's Asset Management System and GIS databases.City of Casey
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Libraries Locations
This dataset enables community members to find library locations in and around the City of Casey. Casey Libraries operate a free library service across the City of Casey,...City of Casey
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Public Picnic Setting Locations
The locations of public picnic settings in the City of Casey, extracted from the City of Casey's Asset Management System and GIS databases.City of Casey
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Public Fitness Station Locations
The location, name, and size of existing fitness stations in the City of Casey. This data was captured for Recreation Planning Assessments in 2019, extracted from the City of...City of Casey
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Waste Collection Areas
This dataset contains the polygons outlining the waste collection zones in City of Casey as well as the collection days and weeks.City of Casey
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Traffic Volume Survey
This GIS dataset contains traffic survey findings within the City of Casey. Information collected includes survey point locations, traffic volume counts, 85th percentile average...City of Casey
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Family Maternal Child Health Centre Boundaries
This dataset provides the boundaries of the areas serviced by each Maternal Child Health Centre in the City of Casey.City of Casey
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Activity Centres in City of Casey
The Activity Centres located within the City of Casey from the Activity Centre Strategy adopted by Council in 2020.City of Casey
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Public Toilet Locations
The locations of public toilets in the City of Casey, extracted from the City of Casey's Asset Management System and GIS databases.City of Casey
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Family Maternal Child Health Centre Locations
Locations of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) facilities within the City of Casey. Consists of Council-operated facility sites, including information regarding appointment...City of Casey
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BMX and Skate Park Locations
The names and locations of existing BMX and skatepark locations within the City of CaseyCity of Casey
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Sport and Recreation Facility (Playing Surfaces) Locations
The locations of sports and recreation playing surface facilities in the City of Casey. This dataset included address and facility type information, as well as the names of...City of Casey
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