Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Geological Excursion Sites visited by Geological Survey Victoria
Locations of Geological Excursion Sites within Victoria visited by the Geological Survey Victoria (GSV)Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Contact Metamorphism Zones (1:250,000)
This dataset displays areas of contact and regional metamorphism, and the style of metamorphism The data has been collected by the Geological Survey of Victoria. This dataset is...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Surface Geochemistry Samples (replacing GCHEM over time)
Surface Geochemistry Samples is derived from Minerals and Petroleum's SITES Oracle RDBMS. Data have been obtained from company reports of expired mineral Exploration and Mining...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Geological Fault Rock - Polygons (1:100,000)
Geological Fault Rock - PolygonsDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Low Impact Exploration Related Earth Resources Spatial Data Collection for the Datamart
Contains Low Impact Exploration Earth Resources within DSDBI datasetsDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Deep Lead Lines
Deep Lead Lines for Alluvial Gold. Compiled from maps associated with GSV Bulletin 62 (1988) by Frank Canavan. DEEPLD is a more detailed dataset , but is incomplete (it is also...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Geological Structure Measurements
Geological structure measurements taken by Geological Survey of Victoria. Measurement methods - most of the structure measurements were collected in the field as part of the...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Geological Outcrops
Geological Outcrop Information Collected by GSV GeologistsDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Geological Interpretations - Earth Resources Spatial Data Collection for the Datamart.
Polygons and lines of geological interpretations. Specifically at 1:4,000,000, 1:1,000,000, 1:250,000 & 1:100,000 scales. Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBIDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Open File Digital Airborne Geophysical Survey Index for Victoria
Contains survey boundary polygons and associated survey metadata that include acquisition parameters. All open file airborne geophysical surveys are included where data were...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Geologically Significant Features as determined by the Geological Society of Australia (GSA)
Locations of Geologically Interesting Features within Victoria. The Geological Society of Australia (GSA) has assigned significance levels to each site - based on a set of...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Heavy Mineral Sands Lines (1:1,000,000)
The data contains strandlines (lines) of Heavy Mineral Sand mineralisation. See also related dataset MINSAND1M_POLY. Data is derived from various exploration company sources,...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Regional geological faults of Central and Western Victoria
Shear displacement structures. Further metadata and methodology available in accompanying report at of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Petroleum Wells (from Geological Survey of Victoria's DbMap database)
Contains Petroleum Wells. Populated from original well completion reports. This is a different dataset from GEDIS boreholes (purpose = petroleum). The wells in both datasets...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Historical Mining Activity
Mine Shaft Locations were collected by a variety of methods from 1869 in some areas of the state. Mainly concentrating in Ballarat and Bendigo. In places a shaft may be recorded...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Regional Metamorphism Zones as interpreted by geophysical interpretation from Pre-Permian geology (1:1,000,000)
Regional Metamorphism Zones as interpreted by geophysical interpretation from Pre-Permian geology (1:1,000,000) The data has been collected by the Geological Survey of Victoria....Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Coal - Earth Resources Spatial Data Collection for the Datamart.
Datasets relating to the coal. Coal Model Data Relates to the Latrobe Valley. Coal Resource Data relates to the whole of Victoria Collected for Earth Resources within DSDBI...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Catch and Effort Cells for the Western Port Fishery
This layer features the area cells used to record Catch and Effort data for the Western Port commercial fishery since April 1998. This layer is based on divisions of 5 minutes...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
Geological polygons (1:250,000)
This dataset contains primary geological data, namely outcropping/sub-cropping geological rock units. This layer has been superseded by the Seamless Geology layer -...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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