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232 datasets found
Argyle Square Benches usage data
Sensor measuring benches utilisation in Argyle SquareCity of Melbourne
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On-street Car Parking Meters with Location
Upcoming Changes: Please note that our parking system is being improved and this dataset may be disrupted. See more information here. This dataset shows the location and...City of Melbourne
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Social Indicators for City of Melbourne Residents 2022
The City of Melbourne Social Indicators Survey (CoMSIS) was conducted for the first time in 2018. The survey collects data, annually, about the state of health, well-being,...City of Melbourne
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Pre-colonial plant list
This dataset contains plant species and their occurence within the City of Melbourne area before 1835. It is based on the "Pre-colonial plant list for the City of Melbourne"...City of Melbourne
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Floor space per CLUE industry for blocks
Data collected as part of the City of Melbourne's Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE). The data covers the period 2002-2022. It shows floor space (in square meters) per...City of Melbourne
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Soil textures at various depths
These are points in the city where soils have been sampled at different depths and a soil texture has been assigned. Location represents the park and sample number. 0_400 refers...City of Melbourne
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Building information
Data collected as part of the City of Melbourne's Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE). The data covers the period 2002-2022. It shows selected building attributes including...City of Melbourne
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Properties leased by City of Melbourne
This is a list of off property leases that are administered by the City of Melbourne.City of Melbourne
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Insect Records in the City of Melbourne (from Little Things that Run the City)
Insect Records in the City of Melbourne from the Little Things that Run the City Project. This data identifies what individual species were found in the Little Things that Run...City of Melbourne
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Soil Sensor Readings - Historical data (2022)
This dataset contains historical readings for soil sensors within parks across the City of Melbourne, for calendar year 2022 (current year data data is here). The sensors take a...City of Melbourne
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Bookable Banner Poles
The dataset contains all the banner pole locations in the City of Melbourne. Banner poles can be booked to promote events throughout the city. Further information can be found...City of Melbourne
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Indicators of wellbeing by year (Future Melbourne)
Future Melbourne Community Plan is the City of Melbourne’s premier planning document. It outlines a plan to grow Melbourne as a global, liveable, and sustainable city. The City...City of Melbourne
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Tree canopies 2018 entire municipal area (Urban Forest)
Tree canopy within City of Melbourne mapped using 2018 aerial photos. The canopy polygons represent actual tree canopy extents on both private and public property across the city.City of Melbourne
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Jobs per ANZSIC for blocks
Data collected as part of the City of Melbourne's Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE). The data covers the period 2002-2022. It shows employment (number of jobs) per city...City of Melbourne
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Staff salary and wages budget 2014-15
This dataset shows the summary of planned Human Resources expenditure across permanent and temporary council staff. It also includes a breakdown of expenditure and number of...City of Melbourne
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City of Melbourne Municipal Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2013-2020
This dataset contains the Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) from activities taking place within the geographic boundary of the City of Melbourne Local Government Area. The City of...City of Melbourne
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Bicycle Network
This dataset contains a simplified network representation of bike paths across City of Melbourne. The dataset can be used to create a digital bicycle network with route...City of Melbourne
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Patents 2010-14 with per-capita count (Standard and Innovation only)
The number of patents issued to resident persons or corporations of a city is an indicator of innovation, which is a result of the production and use of knowledge. The patents...City of Melbourne
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Block level energy consumption (modelled on building attributes) - 2011 baseline
This dataset should be read alongside other energy consumption datasets on the City of Melbourne open data platform as well as the following report:...City of Melbourne
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