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EPA Victoria - RD&D - approvals
Works approval is required pursuant to section 19A of the Environment Protection Act 1970 for works at scheduled premises which will, or will be likely to, alter or increase the...Environment Protection Authority Victoria
Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Reg. Geomaps Tool
This tool displays active victorian liquor licences locations and active dual licensed (liqour and gaming) venues in interactive maps. Data available is licence number, licence...Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation
Burden of Disease (BoD) - LGAs and regions 2001 - Years of Life Lost (YLL) Rates
The Burden of Disease study uses methods developed originally for the Global Burden of Disease study refined and adapted to the Victorian context. The Years of Life lost...Department of Health and Human Services
TAC Road Trauma Statistics
This tool will allow you to extract data about people killed and seriously injured on Victorian roads. Fatal data is available from 1987 and TAC claims data is available from...Transport Accident Commission
Selected Ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs) admission rate trend
ACSCs are those for which hospitalisation is thought to be avoidable with the application of public health interventions and early disease management, usually delivered in...Department of Health and Human Services
EPA Victoria - Amalgamated Licences
An amalgamated licence is a legal document that contains standard conditions to control the operation of scheduled premises to minimise impacts on the environment. These...Environment Protection Authority Victoria
EPA Victoria - 30A approvals
Section 30A is an overriding provision of the Environment Protection Act under which the EPA can authorise discharges, emissions, storage, treatment, disposal and handling of...Environment Protection Authority Victoria
Selected Ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSCs) admission rate ratio trend
Provides a figure and table showing the admission rate ratio for a selected ACSC over time, compared to Victoria (Victoria = 1) ACSCs are those for which hospitalisation is...Department of Health and Human Services
Visions of Victoria
All Visit Victoria's Images and videos are available through our Online Image Library "Visions of Victoria" You will need to register as a user prior to searching, ordering and...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
EPA Industrial Waste Database (IWDB)
Prescribed Industrial Wastes are wastes which may be hazardous or dangerous to the environment, or our own well-being and need to be properly monitored and managed. Examples...Environment Protection Authority Victoria
EPA Remedial Notices
A remedial notice is a written statutory direction that requires, by law, that a notice recipient undertake works or activities as detailed in the notice. For example, the...Environment Protection Authority Victoria
Burden of Disease - LGAs/regions 2001 - Ranking of Years Lived with Disability & top 50 causes
The Burden of Disease study uses methods developed originally for the Global Burden of Disease study refined and adapted to the Victorian context. It provides a comprehensive...Department of Health and Human Services
Burden of Disease (BoD) - LGAs and regions 2001 - Prevalent Cases
The Burden of Disease study uses methods developed originally for the Global Burden of Disease study refined and adapted to the Victorian context. It provides a comprehensive...Department of Health and Human Services
Burden of Disease (BoD) - LGAs and regions 2001 - Ranking of Years of Life Lost and top 50 causes
The Burden of Disease study uses methods developed originally for the Global Burden of Disease study refined and adapted to the Victorian context. It provides a comprehensive...Department of Health and Human Services
Burden of Disease (BoD) - LGAs and regions 2001 - Ranking of DALY & top 50 causes
The Burden of Disease study uses methods developed originally for the Global Burden of Disease study refined and adapted to the Victorian context. It provides a comprehensive...Department of Health and Human Services
Burden of Disease (BoD) - LGAs and regions 2001 - Years Lived with Disability (YLD)
The Burden of Disease study uses methods developed originally for the Global Burden of Disease study refined and adapted to the Victorian context. It provides a comprehensive...Department of Health and Human Services
Burden of Disease (BoD) - LGAs and regions 2001 - Incident Cases
It provides a comprehensive assessment of the amount of ill health in Victoria, Australia, measured by the incident cases Incident cases are defined as those people who...Department of Health and Human Services
Burden of Disease (BoD) - LGAs and regions 2001 - Years Lived with Disability (YLD) Rates
The Burden of Disease study uses methods developed originally for the Global Burden of Disease study refined and adapted to the Victorian context. The Years Lived with...Department of Health and Human Services
Burden of Disease (BoD) - LGAs and regions 2001 - Years of Life Lost (YLL)
The Burden of Disease study uses methods developed originally for the Global Burden of Disease study refined and adapted to the Victorian context. It provides a comprehensive...Department of Health and Human Services
Burden of Disease (BoD) - LGAs and regions 2001 - Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) rates
The Burden of Disease study uses methods developed originally for the Global Burden of Disease study refined and adapted to the Victorian context. It provides a comprehensive...Department of Health and Human Services