Government subsidised VET enrolments by Victorian regional area

The Victorian Training Market Reports are an on-going series of reports produced by DEECD, with the aim of providing summaries of Victorian Vocational Education and Training (VET) market performance and responsiveness to industry needs. All VET providers who receive funding from the Victorian Government report monthly to the Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS), which accepts and validates the providers' training activity data for payment, monitoring, reporting and related purposes.  DEECD analyses the providers' reported data in its production of the Victorian Training Market Reports.

The Reports summarise emerging trends in the Victorian training market and provide a comparative overview of annual market changes.

Key metrics in the Reports include training delivery by funding source, qualification level, training completions, employment status, higher needs learners and region.  The Reports also analyse the responsiveness of training delivery to specific occupational needs, industry and regional profiles.

All figures published in the Reports are generally rounded to the nearest 100.

NB: The Victorian Training Market Reports are published quarterly. The data in the first, second and third quarterly reports is considered preliminary and should be treated as being indicative only.

All data supplied to Data VIC refers to activity reported and accepted by the SVTS system (data upload) for the Fourth Quarterly Report 2012. This 2012 annual collection dataset was open for reporting purposes over 16 January 2012 to 15 January 2013. The collection was closed and finalised on 16 January 2013 and then subsequently informed the final 2012 Victorian Training Market Report.

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Published (Metadata Record) 04/02/2014
Last updated 13/06/2024
Organisation Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Update Frequency