Relative Age

The Statewide Forest Resource Inventory (SFRI) is a program of information collection and analysis of Victoria's native forests that supports statewide planning and management.

One SFRI product is SFRImap Database - a database of information on the eucalypt composition, structure and history of Victoria's forests.

SFRImap Database covers most of Victoria's forests on public land at a scale of 1:25,000.

Relative Age is a layer derived from SFRImap. It is SFRImap dissolved on the RELAGE attribute. Derived layers from SFRImap Database are complimented with the same metadata as the SFRImap layer.

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 27/09/2023
Last updated 12/12/2024
Organisation Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL