Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Property - Parcel Polygon with Parcel Detail
Parcel Map Polygons is a polygon layer belonging to Vicmap Property Simplified, a modified and simplified model of Vicmap Property. It consists of polygons representing...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Property - Parcel Polygon
This layer consists of polygons representing Victoria's land parcels. It does not include the aspatial details related to each polygon. It should therefore be used in conjuction...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Recreation Assets
Recreation asset dataset describes assets related to recreation sites or trails (such as toilets, viewing platforms, picnic shelters etc) within State Forest. This dataset...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Admin - Postcode Polygon
Part of the Vicmap Admin dataset series. Full topology. Polygon layer. attribution (postcode numbers, unique feature identification, data quality pointer etc) is available....Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Land Administration Themes - Property and Cadastral Area Boundary Join Table
Property Cadastral Area Boundary is an aspatial table that identifies the CAD_AREA_BDY lines associated wtith a PROPERTY_POLYGON. VLAT consists of data representing Victoria's...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Victorian Biodiversity Atlas fauna records (unrestricted) for sites with high spatial accuracy
This layer contains a snapshot of fauna taxa records from the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA) (including most threatened taxa). The main attributes in this layer are survey...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Crown Land Tenure - Crown Land Tenure and Parcel Join Table
Part of the Vicmap Crown Land Tenure dataset series. This is a statewide dataset that plays a key role in the management of Victoria's Crown land. It has been created (June 2003...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Property - Road Casement Polygon
See Vicmap Property product for details.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Victorian Water Asset Database (VWAD) - AQUIFER_LAYER
Victorian Water Asset Database (VWAD), contains the identification of water assets and their attributes for the state of Victoria. The VWAD includes features such as lakes,...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA) Taxa List
This table contains a snapshot list of published taxa names from the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas (VBA). The VERS_DATE (version date) column indicates data currency. The VBA...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Features - Geomark Index Centroid
Point location of named or 'could be' named Victorian topographic features. Inclusions are rivers, water bodies, transport (excluding roads), geographic features and most of the...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Address - Address Point with Supplementary Attributes
ADDRESS_SUP is a dataset table of Address2 is a variant of the ADDRESS product and splits address vertically to overcome the 2 Gigabyte DBASE limit when delivering address in a...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Planning - Planning Scheme Urban Growth Line
This dataset contains line features representing a boundary which indicates the long-term limits of urban development in metropolitan Melbourne. It only affects 17 LGAs within...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Property - Property Polygon with Proposed Base Detail
Property Base Proposed a dataset from the product Vicmap Property Simplified 2, specifically generated for Local Government use..Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Property - Property Polygon with Approved Base Detail
Property Base Approved a dataset from the product Vicmap Property Simplified 2, specifically generated for Local Government use..Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Property - Property Table
This layer contains aspatial details for all properties in Victoria. A property is defined as land, usually contiguous, under one ownership, and of a common class and tenure. It...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Reference - Property Road Intersection Flag Table
Part of VMREFTAB, the set of Reference Tables for the VICMAP suite of products.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Vicmap Elevation - 10-20 Contours & Relief
This dataset series is a product of Vicmap Elevation. It contains topographical relief features represented by lines and points. It is a combination of a number of data sets...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Volcanic Bore Free Air (FA) gravity
This dataset comprises all basement boreholes reaching bedrock passing through basalt covered areas used for bore control of Free Air (FA) Gravity data. These boreholes have...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Features - Geomark Point
Point location of named or could be named Victorian topographic features. Inclusions are rivers, water bodies, transport (excluding roads), geographic features and most of the...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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