Vicmap Elevation - 10-20 Contours & Relief

This dataset series is a product of Vicmap Elevation. It contains topographical relief features represented by lines and points. It is a combination of a number of data sets that were a part of VicMap Digital Topographic. Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metadata. Contour 1:25,000 - Vicmap Elevation (EL_CONTOUR); Ground Surface Point 1:25,000 - Vicmap Elevation (EL_GRND_SURFACE_POINT); Ground Type Point 1:25,000 - Vicmap Elevation (EL_GRND_TYPE_POINT); Ground Type Area (Polygon) 1:25,000 - Vicmap Elevation (EL_GRND_TYPE_AREA_POLYGON); Morphology Line 1:25,000 - Vicmap Elevation (EL_MORPHOLOGY_LINE) ; Morphology Point 1:25,000 - Vicmap Elevation (EL_MORPHOLOGY_POINT); Relief Areas with fuzzy boundaries (EL_RELIEF_AREA_FUZZY); Relief Areas (EL_RELIEF_AREA)

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 27/09/2023
Last updated 18/06/2024
Organisation Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL