Speed Zones is a spatial dataset (polyline) of every road in Victoria. The data includes attributes such as the speed zone value for that road segment and the direction it applies to.
The speed zone value is always the lowest value at any point in time throughout the 24 hour period. For example, if a shopping strip or school zone has 40km/hr applied for a portion of the time and the rest of the time is 60km/hr, then 40/km/hr is applied to that road segment. See the ‘Speed Signs’ dataset for more information.
Data Quality
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure this information is up-to-date, there may be instances where signs are not yet recorded in this system.
No claim is made as to the accuracy or currency of the content on this site at any time. This data is provided on the basis that users undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. The Victorian Government and Department of Transport and Planning accept no liability to any person or group for the data or advice (or the use of such data or advice) which is provided or incorporated into it by reference.