Vicmap Geomark REST API

The Geomark datasets are spatial reference files that describe the feature, its location and its name. Examples of the types of features included in these datasets are: rivers, water bodies, railway lines, parks, airports, hospitals, education centres, emergency facilities, sport facilities, mountains, transport infrastructure, power facilities and community venues (but not road names). The data contained within the individual Geomark datasets has been sourced from Vicmap Elevation, Vicmap Hydro, Vicmap Features of Interest and Vicmap Transport. The difference between the features in these Vicmap datasets and Geomark is that the Geomark features have been combined to create one piece of geometry based on its name and type. GEOMARK_POINT : A statewide point dataset containing information for “named” or “could be named” features. Points represent relatively small area features that have been generalised or larger features where the spatial source is a coordinate or an address. Examples of small area point entities include wind turbines, snow poles, and emergency markers. GEOMARK_LINE : A statewide line dataset containing information for “named” or “could be named” features. Linear features include rivers, power lines, chairlifts and pipelines among others. GEOMARK_POLYGON : A statewide polygon dataset containing information for “named” or “could be named” features. Polygons represent larger area features that have been captured in more detail. Examples include lakes, sports grounds, gardens, parks and shopping precincts. GEOMARK_INDEX_CENTROID : A statewide centroid dataset holding one centroid record for each feature (unique feature id) held within the Geomark Index Extent table. GEOMARK_INDEX_EXTENT : A statewide polygon dataset holding one polygon or multi part polygon record for each feature (unique feature id) held within the Geomark Point, Line and Polygon tables. Note: point and line features are represented as polygons.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 13/10/2021
Last updated 07/11/2024
Organisation Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Full metadata URL
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