Vicmap Hydro REST API

Vicmap Hydro represents the natural and man-made water resources for Victoria and consists of point, line and polygon vector features in a seamless, networked and topologically structured dataset series. It comprises a basic framework of linear features supplemented by related point and polygon features to value add data for the water networks across the State. Attribute tables classify and describe the real-world features using code lists that can be used for search, discovery and analysis.

The following hydrographic features are contained within Vicmap Hydro: Watercourse (line)- watercourse, connector, channel, drain Water Area (polygon)- lake, flat, wetland, pondage, watercourse area Water Area Boundary (line)- shoreline, junction Water Point (point)- rapids, spring, waterfall, waterbody point Water Area Fuzzy (polygon) – bay, beach, bend, entrance, inlet, passage, reach, sea In inland and coastal areas, point and line features are used to describe various waterline related structures: Water Structure Line (line)- wharf, marina, offshore platform, breakwater, launching ramp, dam wall, spillway, lock Water Structure Point (point)- lock, well Water Structure Area (polygon)- dam batter, spillway Along our coastline various features exist which either aid or obstruct local navigation:
Navigation Point (point)- buoy, beacon, rock, wreck Navigation line (line)- reef ledge Depiction of coastal environment Features along our coastal environment are best depicted with Vicmap Index which contains Victoria’s state boarders and coastline. Interpretation of features such as watercourses and sea depend on the following criteria: The limit between sea and land ie. coastline is represented by the mean highwater mark (1m below flotsam on the beach) except in areas covered by mangroves where the landward side is adopted. Note: The limit between the shoreline of internal water bodies and land is represented by the full supply level. The use of a connector feature ceases when a watercourse area runs into the sea delineated by a junction representing coastline. Coastal intertidal flats comprised of sand or mud, exposed at low tide form polygon areas which can extend seaward more than 100m or inland. Small inlets with a single line stream flowing into them are usually considered part of the sea. Islands are represented by polygons coded “Island” when they are fully surrounded by sea.

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 13/10/2021
Last updated 07/11/2024
Organisation Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Full metadata URL
Update Frequency