Vicmap Transport - Road Register Line

TR_ROAD_REGISTER forms the basis of the road register for Victoria.

Road segements (TR_ROAD) are grouped by road name, road type, road suffix and locality using the TR_ROAD_LOCALITY_SECTION and TR_ROAD_LOCALITY tables to create a single line feature for each unique combination of values.

This dataset compliments TR_ROAD. Where a road segement has multiple names, TR_ROAD_REGISTER will have multiple overlappling road lines while TR_ROAD will have one road with multiple names.

TR_ROAD_REGISTER facilitates road searching and efficent road name lablelling.

In addition the dataset has an atttribute MIN_CLASS_CODE which is the the minimum CLASS_CODE for all TR_ROAD road lines that have the unique cominbination of identifer vaules. For example, if the road segments associated with the unique road identifer have CLASS_CODES of 0 (Freeway), 1 (Highway) and 2 (Arterial), the MIN_CLASS_CODE of that road will be 0 (Freeway). This value faciliates feature filtering at different scales and symbolisation.

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 24/11/2022
Last updated 04/09/2024
Organisation Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL