Vicmap Transport Scale: Various

Vicmap Transport represents the transport network of the state of Victoria and is made up of point, line and polygon area features in a seamless and topologically structured data set. It is comprised of a basic framework of linear features supplemented by related point and node and polygon features providing the supplementary data supporting the transport network over the topographic and demographic landscape. Further classification and description of real world features is provided by attribute tables, which add specific description and definition to each feature supported by code lists that can be used for analysis and individual identification. The following transport features are fundamental to this data set series: - Road network - freeway, highway, arterial, 2wd, 4wd, bicycle and walking tracks. - Road related structures - including fords, bridges, tunnels, gates, intersections, roundabouts, barriers, rail crossings; - Ferry routes; - Rail network, railway yard, tramway, railway bridge, railway tunnel; - Rail related structures - including railway sidings, stations, railway bridges, railway tunnels; - Tramway network; - Air related structures - including (major) airport extents, runways, landing strips, helipads

Vicmap Transport is a combination of a number of data sets that are a part of the Vicmap suite of products. Datasets in the series are listed below. See their metadata entries for more detailed metadata. - Airport Area (polygon) - Vicmap Transport (TR_AIRPORT_AREA_POLYGON); - Airport Infrastructure - Vicmap Transport (TR_AIRPORT_INFRASTRUCTURE); - Airport Infrastucture Area (polygon) - Vicmap Transport (TR_AIR_INFRA_AREA_POLYGON); - Airport Infrastucture Point - Vicmap Transport (TR_AIR_INFRA_POINT); - Rail Network - Vicmap Transport (TR_RAIL); - Rail Infrastructure - Vicmap Transport (TR_RAIL_INFRASTRUCTURE); - Road Network - Vicmap Transport (TR_ROAD); - Road Infrastructure - Vicmap Transport (TR_ROAD_INFRASTRUCTURE); - Road Locality (grouped by road name, road type,road suffix and locality) (TR_ROAD_REGISTER)

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 27/09/2023
Last updated 16/07/2024
Organisation Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL