Victorian Bioregions - Mapped at 1:100,000 (version 3.0 - May2004)

This dataset delineates Victorian biogeographic regions (Victorian bioregions) that capture the patterns of ecological characteristics in the landscape, providing a natural framework for recognising and responding to biodiversity values. Victorian bioregions form part of the national framework for the terrestrial environment, the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA). The boundaries are aligned with pre-1750 ecological vegetation class boundaries mapped at 1:100,000. The dataset upgrades the VBIOREGION250 dataset which was primarily based in 1:250,000 landsystem boundaries.

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Published (Metadata Record) 26/09/2023
Last updated 13/06/2024
Organisation Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL