Victorian Land Use Information System 2016

The Victorian Land Use Information System (VLUIS) 2016 dataset has been created by the Spatial Sciences Group of the Agriculture Victoria Research Division in the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport, and Resources. It covers the entire landmass of Victoria and separately describes the land tenure, land use and land cover across the state at the cadastral parcel level.

The methodology for creating the VLUIS is described in Morse-McNabb et al. (2015) with the following notable changes: 1. Land use data provided by the Office of the Valuer-General of Victoria for the 2014 year has been used as a base input. Readily available sources of land use information from government and industry have been used to provide updates to the land tenure and land use components of the 2016 dataset. This update process has not been exhaustive and will continue as new data sources become available. Parcels that have been updated and the source of their updates have been recorded in the attribute table of the dataset. The land cover mapping method remains unchanged to previous versions of the VLUIS. 2. Land parcels within urban areas, mapped in previous versions, have been masked out vastly reducing the size of the 2016 dataset.

The data is in the form of an ESRI feature class.

To use the VLUIS data correctly it is important to understand the difference between the three components of VLUIS. The Guidelines for land use mapping in Australia: principles, procedures and definitions, Edition 3 published in 2006 by the Commonwealth of Australia, defines them as follows: Land tenure is the form of an interest in land. Some forms of tenure (such as pastoral leases or nature conservation reserves) relate directly to land use and land management practice. Land use means the purpose to which the land cover is committed. Some land uses, such as agriculture, have a characteristic land cover pattern. These usually appear in land cover classifications. Other land uses, such as nature conservation, are not readily discriminated by a characteristic land cover pattern. For example, where the land cover is woodland, land use may be timber production or nature conservation. Land cover refers to the physical surface of the earth, including various combinations of vegetation types, soils, exposed rocks and water bodies as well as anthropogenic elements, such as agriculture and built environments. Land cover classes can usually be discriminated by characteristic patterns using remote sensing.

A metadata statement, for the VLUIS product, and ESRI symbology files for the data can be freely downloaded from the VLUIS project page on the Victorian Resources Online website:

DOI 10.4226/92/590abbe6ea3f1

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 24/11/2021
Last updated 13/06/2024
Organisation Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL