Watertable Elevation Surface

This dataset was compiled for the purposes of the Secure Allocations Future Entitlements (SAFE) project. The SAFE project was funded by the Commonwealth Government under the Nartional Groundwater Action Plan to progress the managment of groundwater in Victoria.

A number of datasets were used to produce the Watertable Elevation Surface included bore readings of watertable depth and a digital terrain model for the state. Existing models of watertable geometry from a number of projects were also incoroporated into the mapping process.

At the conclusion of the project, a model based on watertable elevation in mAHD was produced at a 100m resolution.

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 26/09/2023
Last updated 18/01/2024
Organisation Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL https://metashare.maps.vic.gov.au/geonetwork/srv/api/records/00ba9006-32c3-5be0-927c-c416d1d49206/formatters/sdm-html?root=html&output=html