DHHS Annual report 2016-17 - five year financial summary
The Department of Health and Human Services annual report provides a snapshot of the department's performance and achievements for each financial year, containing information on...Department of Health and Human Services
Motor Vehicle Duty Rates 2017-18
Duties are administered by the State Revenue Office pursuant to the Duties Act 2000 (the Act). The Act creates and charges duties on a number of identified transactions. The Act...State Revenue Office
State Budget 2015-16 - Motor Vehicle Taxes
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...Department of Treasury and Finance
DTF Annual Report 2016-17 - Output performance measures
This spreadsheet provides a report on the Department of Treasury and Finance's performance in meeting each of its outputs. The Department met or exceeded the majority of its...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
DHHS Annual report 2017-18 - Disability services additional service delivery
The Department of Health and Human Services annual report provides a snapshot of the department's performance and achievements for each financial year, containing information on...Department of Health and Human Services
State Budget 2016-17 - Department of Treasury and Finance financial statements
The financial reports for the department assist assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.Victorian State Budget
DELWP Workforce 2016
The DELWP Workforce comprises of staffing trends, employment levels, executive officers, gender break down and number reconciliation.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
DHHS Annual report 2017-18 - Financial Statements
The Department of Health and Human Services annual report provides a snapshot of the department's performance and achievements for each financial year, containing information on...Department of Health and Human Services
Budget Portfolio Outcomes 2014-15
The budget portfolio outcomes have been prepared on a consolidated basis and include all general government entities within the portfolio. Financial transactions and balances...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Whole of State Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 2018-19
This dataset contains the whole of State statement of changes in equity from 2007-08.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
Quarterly cash flow (General Government)
This spreadsheet provides quarterly data for the general government sector Cash Flow Statement.DTF - Corporate and Government Services
ESSSuper Workforce 2011-12
This spreadsheet provides information on ESSSuper workforce for the 2011-12 financial year. It includes data on the headcount and FTE, as well as employment type, gradings, ages...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Budget 2016-17 - Total Tax Revenue
Taxation revenue is revenue received from the State’s taxpayers and includes payroll tax, land tax, duties levied principally on conveyances and land transfers, gambling taxes,...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2015-16 - Department of Health and Human Services Financial Statements
The financial reports for the department assist assessments of forecast financial performance, and its use of the parliamentary authority for resources.Department of Treasury and Finance
VicForests Annual Report 2018
Financial datasets including operating statements, balance sheets, cash flows statements and supporting notes.VicForests
State Budget 2015-16 - Annual Population Growth
The Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF) monitors economic conditions in the Victorian economy and prepares forecasts of the main economic indicators of those conditions...Department of Treasury and Finance
State Budget 2016-17 - Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Output Performance Measures
DELWP performance measures cover areas related to funding for a range of services provided by the department to create liveable, inclusive and sustainable communities.Victorian State Budget
Net financial liability (General Government)
Net Financial Liabilities is the total liabilities less financial assets, other than equity in Public Non-Financial Corporations and Public Financial Corporations. This measure...DTF - Corporate and Government Services
State Budget 2017-18 - Department of Treasury and Finance Output Performance Measures
DTF performance measures cover areas related to funding for a range of services delivered by the department including providing the Government with economic, financial and...Victorian State Budget
State Budget 2017-18 - Consolidated Government Purpose Classification Data - General Government Sector
This dataset contains general government sector operating expenses, sourced from Australian Bureau of Statistics historical data, classified by government purpose. The...Victorian State Budget