City of Melbourne
On-street Parking Bays
Upcoming Changes: Please note that our parking system is being improved and this dataset may be disrupted. See more information here. This dataset contains spatial polygons...City of Melbourne
Feature Lighting (including light type, wattage and location)
This dataset contains information such as location, lighting type and wattage of feature lighting across City of Melbourne. Feature lights are usually found around high profile...City of Melbourne
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Street furniture including bollards, bicycle rails, bins, drinking fountains, horse troughs, planter boxes, seats, barbecues
The City of Melbourne owns and maintains various objects and pieces of equipment installed on streets and roads for various purposes. This dataset includes Barbeques, Bicycle...City of Melbourne
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City of Melbourne Jobs Forecasts by Small Area 2021-2041
This dataset provides jobs forecasts by single year for 2021 to 2041. Prepared by SGS Economics and Planning (Jan-Jun 2022), forecasts are available for the municipality and...City of Melbourne
House Prices by Small Area - Transfer Year
Median prices for dwellings/townhouses, and apartments by their year of settlement for the City of Melbourne by CLUE Small area.City of Melbourne
Waste processed by dehydrator at Degraves St Recycling Facility 2016
The City of Melbourne operates a dehydrator for organic waste received at the Degraves Street Recycling Facility. This dataset records the amount of material processed, its...City of Melbourne
Social Indicators for City of Melbourne Residents 2020
The City of Melbourne Social Indicators Survey (CoMSIS) was conducted for the first time in 2018. The survey collects data, annually, about the state of health, well-being,...City of Melbourne
Pay Stay zones linked to street segments
This dataset refers to a deprecated parking management solution. It contains each Pay Stay zone and the street segment that it is linked to. The Pay Stay zone can go across...City of Melbourne
Tree planting zone schedules, with years (Urban Forest)
Under the Urban Forest Strategy, there are ten Precinct Plans that provide detailed information about how planting will occur in local streets to meet the objectives of the...City of Melbourne
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Business establishments per ANZSIC for blocks
Data collected as part of the City of Melbourne's Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE). The data covers the period 2002-22. It shows the number of business establishments...City of Melbourne
Road corridors
This shapefile shows all of the public road and laneway segments within the City of Melbourne. This outlines the street name and the names of the between streets For further...City of Melbourne
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Bat Records in Fitzroy Gardens and Royal Botanic Gardens 2010
Bat Records in Fitzroy Gardens and Royal Botanic Gardens 2010. Collected by Fiona Caryl (field surveys from PhD research) in April 2010 by acoustic recording devices - then...City of Melbourne
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Business establishments and jobs data by business size and industry
Data collected as part of the City of Melbourne's Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE). The data covers the period 2002-2022. It shows number of jobs and number of business...City of Melbourne
Sign plates located in each Parking zone - Test
A sign plate is where the parking restrictions are displayed. This data set displays parking sign plates that are within a parking zone. There can be multiple restrictions per...City of Melbourne
Planned capital works and maintenance 2014-15, with funding sources
This is the planned council works expenditure budget and the sources of funding for the budget. It should be noted that maintenance is included as part of the overall review of...City of Melbourne
Melbourne Visitor Contact Stats
The City of Melbourne provides visitor programs such as city tours, town hall tours, cruise ship and visitor shuttle trips and face to face visitor contact points including the...City of Melbourne
High Rise Residents Profile 2016
Contains demographic profile information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 Census of Population and Housing. Data has been aggregated based on residents living...City of Melbourne
Stormwater Pits
This dataset captures all stormwater pits throughout the City of Melbourne. A stormwater pit is designed to hold water so that the drainage system can process the run off and...City of Melbourne
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Bar, tavern, pub patron capacity
Data collected as part of the City of Melbourne's Census of Land Use and Employment (CLUE). The data covers the period 2002-2022. It show business establishments with their...City of Melbourne
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Pay Stay parking restrictions
This dataset refers to a deprecated parking management solution. It contains detailed historical information on parking restrictions in each Pay Stay zone. There can be multiple...City of Melbourne