City of Melbourne
Soil Sensor Locations
This dataset contains the locations of where soil sensors have been deployed across the city. The readings are stored in the soil sensor readings dataset. The sensors take a...City of Melbourne
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Tree canopies 2014
Tree canopy within City of Melbourne mapped using 2014 aerial photos and LiDAR. The canopy polygons represent actual tree canopy extents on both private and public property...City of Melbourne
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Waste collected per month
The City of Melbourne provides a number of waste collection services. The dataset details the weight (in tonnes) of waste collected in a number of different categories including...City of Melbourne
Soil types by area (Urban Forest)
These polygons represent approximate native soil sub-bases and derived textures based on digitized maps from the Geological Survey of Victoria (c. 1956). Soils are expected to...City of Melbourne
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Patents by postcode 2010-14 (Standard and Innovation only)
The number of patents issued to resident persons or corporations of a city is an indicator of innovation, which is a result of the production and use of knowledge. The patents...City of Melbourne
Bike Share Dock Locations
This dataset show the historical Melbourne Bike Share docks. This program came to an end in November 2019. Contains the bike share dock locations that were deployed across...City of Melbourne
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Wildlife Sightings (BioBlitz 2014)
Melbourne BioBlitz is one of the City of Melbourne’s major citizen science programs, where experts and members of the community work together to discover, document, and learn...City of Melbourne
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Public Open Space Contribution Register
The City of Melbourne's Public Open Space Contribution Register provides information on money collected from subdivision applications under the Subdivision Act 1988.The...City of Melbourne
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Outdoor non-smoking zones
The City of Melbourne has designated outdoor no smoking areas which are above and beyond those areas designated in the tobacco act. This dataset displays the outdoor areas which...City of Melbourne
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Street lights with emitted lux level (council-owned lights only)
This dataset outline the Lux levels emitted from the City of Melbourne owned street lights. The Lux level is stored in the label field and the higher the Lux level the brighter...City of Melbourne
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Former creeks in Melbourne (Urban Forest)
This shapefile delineates historic creek lines digitised from the 1855 map Melbourne and its Suburbs" compiled by James Kearney, draughtsman ; engraved by David Tulloch and...City of Melbourne
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Workers Profile 2016
Contains demographic profile information for workers from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 Census of Population and Housing. Data has been aggregated based on work...City of Melbourne
Older People Profile 2016 (60 years and over)
Contains demographic profile information from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 Census of Population and Housing. Data has been aggregated by older people (aged 60...City of Melbourne
Pumping Station Locations
A pump station is a holding chamber that pumps liquids to a required area. Using transfer pumps they are installed when liquid is unable to be gravity-fed to the required...City of Melbourne
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Municipal boundary
This shapefile shows the boundary of the City of Melbourne municipality.City of Melbourne
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Development Activity Model Footprints
This dataset contains spatial information about development activity located within the City of Melbourne municipal area. Developments may have one of four statuses. Applied,...City of Melbourne
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Building outlines 2014
This shapefile shows all of the footprints of all buildings within the City of Melbourne. The footprint is the outline of the total area of a lot or site that is surrounded by...City of Melbourne
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Sign plates located in each Pay Stay zone
This dataset refers to a deprecated parking management solution. A sign plate is where the parking restrictions are displayed. This data set displays parking sign plates that...City of Melbourne
Block level energy consumption (modelled on building attributes) - 2021 projection - business-as-usual scenario
This dataset should be read alongside other energy consumption datasets on the City of Melbourne open data platform as well as the following report:...City of Melbourne
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Street addresses
Contains the location information (latitude and Longitude, Northing and Easting) of every property address within the City of MelbourneCity of Melbourne
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