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464 datasets found
Vicmap Features - Features of Interest Index (FOI) Centroid
Part of the Vicmap Features of Interest dataset Point/centroid location of ALL features of interest records within Victoria. It holds ALL features ONCE regardless of whether...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Petroleum Wells (from Geological Survey of Victoria's DbMap database)
Contains Petroleum Wells. Populated from original well completion reports. This is a different dataset from GEDIS boreholes (purpose = petroleum). The wells in both datasets...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Relinquished Mineral Exploration Licence Areas
The areas occur usually when part of an Exploration Licence is relinquished and the entire tenement has not expired.Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Areas of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity
This version of the areas of the cultural heritage sensitivity dataset (ACHS) does not contain any attribute information. This dataset contains a spatial representation of...Department of Premier and Cabinet
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Vicmap Planning - Planning Scheme Urban Growth Line
This dataset contains line features representing a boundary which indicates the long-term limits of urban development in metropolitan Melbourne. It only affects 17 LGAs within...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Planning - Planning Scheme Overlay Polygon
This dataset contains polygon features representing overlay controls for all Victorian planning schemes. Overlays reflect specific characteristics of land in an area, such as...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAP) Appointed Boundaries
This data set contains polygon boundaries for Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) that have been recognised under the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (the Act) "as the...Department of Premier and Cabinet
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Vicmap Planning - Planning Scheme Urban Growth Areas
This dataset contains polygon features representing the balance of the municipality that is outside the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). The UGB is a boundary that indicates the...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Geological Sites
The layer is really a brief summary of all sites. It will provide information on whether the site is GSIGFEAT, MINSITE, STRUC, PETPHYS, OUTCROP, ROCKS, GEOPHYS or BORES. It will...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Boreholes (from Earth Resource's database)
Contains mineral, petroleum, coal & groundwater boreholes. Minerals boreholes (and, to a lesser extent, petroleum wells) are actively maintained in the dataset. The...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Geological Structure Measurements
Geological structure measurements taken by Geological Survey of Victoria. Measurement methods - most of the structure measurements were collected in the field as part of the...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Geological Outcrops
Geological Outcrop Information Collected by GSV GeologistsDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Geological Excursion Sites visited by Geological Survey Victoria
Locations of Geological Excursion Sites within Victoria visited by the Geological Survey Victoria (GSV)Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Geologically Significant Features as determined by the Geological Society of Australia (GSA)
Locations of Geologically Interesting Features within Victoria. The Geological Society of Australia (GSA) has assigned significance levels to each site - based on a set of...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Surface Geochemistry Samples (replacing GCHEM over time)
Surface Geochemistry Samples is derived from Minerals and Petroleum's SITES Oracle RDBMS. Data have been obtained from company reports of expired mineral Exploration and Mining...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Petrophysics Sample Locations
Petrophysics Sample LocationsDepartment of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Mines and Mineral Occurrence Sites
Sites where earth resources have been demonstrated. This includes metallics, industrial minerals and construction materials, but excludes oil, gas and groundwater resources...Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions
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Vicmap Admin - Victorian Government Region Polygon Aligned to Topographic Features
Part of the Vicmap Admin dataset series. This dataset contains the Victorian Government Regional Departmental Boundaries as defined by Local Government Victoria, Dept. of...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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Vicmap Admin - Locality Polygon Aligned to Topographic Features
Part of the Vicmap Admin dataset series. Locality Boundaries Boundary polygons for Victoria. Locality Boundaries are as defined by The Registrar of Geographic Names. Aligned to...Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
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